
Everyone pays, everyone is eligible: Why universal school choice makes sense

April 13, 2023

Brandon Dutcher

It’s worth remembering that Oklahoma’s universal pre-K program, widely celebrated by Oklahoma political leaders, is universal. Likewise for grades K-12. “We have universal access to district schools, charter schools, and digital education programs,” education scholar Matt Ladner reminds us. “Everyone helps to pay for them, everyone deserves access. That’s a guiding principle. Everyone pays Social Security and Medicare taxes; everyone is eligible for the programs.”

Thus it stands to reason, he says: “Everyone pays for school choice programs, so on what basis would we deny them to anyone?”

Oklahoma’s total state and local tax collections last year were $21.1 billion—or $21,014 for a typical family of four. “Rather than continuing to penalize parents financially for raising their children in accordance with their consciences,” I have said for years, “it’s time for Oklahoma policymakers to enact and expand policies—vouchers, tax credits, ESAs, and more—which secure parental rights.”

Universal school choice is the principled—and pragmatic—education policy.