Law & Principles

2025 OCPA Legislative Scorecard: Watch List

January 31, 2025


[This list was updated on Feb. 11, 2025.]

Below is a list of bills that are eligible to be included on the OCPA Legislative Scorecard for the 2025 legislative session.

The scorecard is an effort to inform Oklahoma citizens how their state legislators vote at the state Capitol on issues related to free markets, limited government, individual initiative, personal responsibility, and strong families. OCPA will periodically update this watch list with additional bills as the legislative session progresses. This watch list, as well as subsequent updates, will be emailed to every legislator and posted on OCPA’s website.

A bill’s presence on the watch list does not guarantee that it will be included on the scorecard, but a bill on the watch list is eligible to be added to the scorecard at any time. Subject to the fluidity of the legislative process, OCPA will strive to add a given bill to the watch list prior to that bill being voted on.

2025 OCPA Watchlist


Steve Bashore (R)
Crimes and punishments; Lauria and Ashley's Law; minimum prison sentences; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Jim Olsen (R)
Elections; registration card; photo identification; effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Jim Olsen (R)
Elections; proof of identity; educational institutions; registration; voting; effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Jay Steagall (R)
Revenue and taxation; income tax; rates; effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Josh West (R)
Data privacy; Oklahoma Computer Data Privacy Act; consumer protection; civil penalties; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Molly Jenkins (R)
Wind energy facilities; creating the Vital Industries Security Act of 2025; authorizing county commissions to make certain moratorium declaration; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Jacob Rosecrants (D)
State Board of Education; board member appointments; changing appointing authority; removal for cause; vacancy procedures; initial appointments; emergency.
OCPA position: Oppose

Robert Manger (R)
Criminal procedure; allowing for the withdrawal of guilty pleas; effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Derrick Hildebrant (R)
Schools; teacher, administrator, and support employee dismissal; recommendations forwarded to Board of Education regardless of teacher resignation status; expungement; supplementary information; effective date; emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Mark Tedford (R)
Landlord tenant; preemption, retaliation; remedy; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dick Lowe (R)
Schools; transfer students; allowing certain students to transfer to adjacent school district; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Ryan Eaves (R)
Revenue and taxation; Oklahoma Trade School Tuition Tax Credit; income tax credit; trade schools; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Gabe Woolley (R)
Schools; curriculum; subject matter standards; State Department of Education; curriculum resources; atrocities of communism; teaching requirements; professional learning opportunities; definitions; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Chris Banning (R)
School district elections; election dates; school district board elections; terms of office; effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Chris Banning (R)
Eminent domain; purchase price; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Mark Lepak (R)
Public finance; Oklahoma Public Finance Protection Act; terms; standard of care; nonpecuniary factors; vote; authority; proxy votes; Attorney General; immunity; indemnification; severability; codification; effective date; emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Cody Maynard (R)
Revenue and taxation; credit; pregnancy resource centers; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Cody Maynard (R)
Revenue and taxation; income tax; rate; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Molly Jenkins (R)
Human trafficking; Justice for Noncitizen Minors and Human Trafficking Accountability Act of 2025; findings; Human Trafficking Response Unit; report; information; Attorney General; standards; duties; task; terms; responsibilities; codification; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Kevin West (R)
Professions and occupations; Construction Industries Board; fees; penalties; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Judd Strom (R)
Retirement; Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; term; retirement benefit computation; monthly pension; references; employee contributions; effective date; emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Judd Strom (R)
Revenue and taxation; Senior Service Corps Act of 2025; adjustments to Oklahoma adjusted gross income and taxable income; support services; schools; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor


Judd Strom (R)
Schools; statewide system of student assessments; directing assessments to be administered to certain private school and homeschool students; effective date; emergency.
OCPA position: Oppose

Neil Hays (R)
Public retirement systems; Defined Contribution Retirement Plan for Teachers; Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; defined contribution system; participation; election; service accrual; employee contribution amount; salary deductions; employer matching contributions; costs; vesting schedule; Board of Trustees; investment; deposit; defined benefit plan; offsets; qualified domestic orders; term; alternate payees; restrictions; rules; minimum salary schedule; codification; effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Ryan Eaves (R)
An Act relating to revenue and taxation; amending 68 O.S. 2021, Section 2355, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 27, 1st Extraordinary Session, O.S.L. 2023 (68 O.S. Supp. 2024, Section 2355), which relates to income tax imposed and classes of tax payers; modifying personal income tax rate for certain years; and providing an effective date.
Position: Monitor

Toni Hasenbeck (R)
Domestic violence; providing for alternative batterers' intervention programs; effective date.
OCPA position: Strong Support

Chad Caldwell (R)
Social media; social network; parents and guardians; permission; verification; effective date; emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Chad Caldwell (R)
Schools; requiring district policies prohibiting student cell phone and smartwatch use under certain circumstances; effective date; emergency.
OCPA Position: Support

Chad Caldwell (R)
Revenue and taxation; Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Amendments Act of 2025; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Chad Caldwell (R)
School employees; liability insurance; Educators' Professional Liability Insurance Program; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Chad Caldwell (R)
Schools; online transparency portal; certain school materials; Oklahoma State Department of Education; effective date; emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Justin Humphrey (R)
Capital punishment; staying the execution of judgments in all death penalty cases; emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Justin Humphrey (R)
Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Pension Legislation Actuarial Analysis Act; definition; term; retirement benefit increase; Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; Uniform Retirement System for Justices and Judges; Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; limitation; funded ratio; conditions; offset; amount; codification; effective dates.
OCPA position: Monitor

Jim Olsen (R)
Revenue and taxation; income tax credit; legally married couple; child; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Toni Hasenbeck (R)
Crimes and punishments; sexual obscenity; making certain acts unlawful; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Neil Hays (R)
Alcoholic beverages; ABLE licensed establishment not responsible for acts of employees; exceptions; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Toni Hasenbeck (R)
Children; covered entities; data protection impact assessment; personal data of children; attorney general; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Melissa Provenzano (D)
Schools; Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; website requirements; effective date.
OCPA position: Oppose

Melissa Provenzano (D)
Schools; Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; effective date; emergency.
OCPA position: Oppose

Melissa Provenzano (D)
Schools; Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; reporting; effective date.
OCPA position: Oppose

Toni Hasenbeck (R)
School district elections; election dates and declaration of candidacy; party affiliation; effective date

Josh West (R)
Domestic violence; making certain pleas or finding of guilt to stalking violations constitute a conviction for purposes of sentencing; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Josh West (R)
Trusts and pools; causes of action; enforcement procedures; effective date.
OCPA position: Oppose

Mike Kelley (R)
Cities and towns; unfair labor practice; Public Employees Relations Board; arbitrator selection; fees and expenses; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Jim Shaw (R)
Renewable energy facilities; placing a moratorium on construction or expansion of certain wind and solar energy facilities in this state; emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Jim Shaw (R)
Green energy setbacks; creating setback requirements for certain solar energy farms; modifying setback provisions for wind energy facilities; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Jim Shaw (R)
Revenue and taxation; Green Energy Subsidy Recapture Tax Act; definitions; purpose; tax levy; exemptions; reporting procedures; remittance; apportionment of revenues; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Tammy West (R)
Criminal procedure; deleting the assessment and collection of supervision fees by district attorneys; effective date
OCPA position: Support

Tammy West (R)
Schools; authorizing the State Board of Education to assist in establishing community school pilot projects; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Meloyde Blancett (D)*
Schools; Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; website requirements; effective date.
OCPA position: Oppose

Derrick Hildebrant (R)
Revenue and taxation; Health Care Sharing Ministry Tax Parity Act; definitions; income tax deduction; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Tammy West (R)
Revenue and taxation; sales tax; fees; car wash; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Jacob Rosecrants (D)
Higher education; College Fee Waiver for Children of Parents with Disabilities Act; State Regents for Higher Education; emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Mark Lepak (R)
Revenue and taxation; individual income tax; rates; brackets; revenue determinations; effective date.
OCPA position: Strong Support

Collin Duel (R)
Civil procedure; expedited actions; trial process; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Collin Duel (R)
Criminal procedure; providing limitations on the use of grand jury transcripts; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Mark Lepak (R)
Schools; Oklahoma School Loan Act of 2025; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

John George (R)
Revenue and taxation; income tax; pensions; taxable income; exemption; effective date.

John George (R)
Cities and towns; unfair labor practices; Public Employees Relations Board; procedures; arbitration; fees and expenses; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Rande Worthen (R)
Criminal procedure; creating the Pretrial Procedures Modernization Act of 2025; reducing time limitation for setting preliminary hearings; creating a statewide pretrial services program within each judicial district; codification; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Jim Shaw (R)
Biosolids; prohibiting land application, spreading, sale, and distribution of certain materials; reporting; remediation; funding policies; emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Anthony Moore (R)
Evidence; admissibility; disclosure; evidence; time period; term; codification; effective date.
OCPA position: Oppose

Anthony Moore (R)
Retirement; Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; contribution; top base salary; benefit computation; effective date; emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Ronny Johns (R)
Schools; Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; website requirements; effective date.
OCPA position: Oppose

Anthony Moore (R)
Children and juvenile code; jury trial; termination of parental rights; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dell Kerbs (R)
Virtual charter schools; allowing statewide virtual charter schools that reach certain assessment achievements to receive additional funds for certain expenses; effective date; emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Mark Lepak (R)
Revenue and taxation; individual income tax; rates; brackets; standard deduction amounts; effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Andy Fugate (D)
Initiative and referendum; form for initiative petition; data points; effective date.
OCPA position: Oppose

Ken Luttrell (R)
Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Pension Legislation Actuarial Analysis Act; Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; defined contribution plan; defined benefit plan; effective dates.
OCPA position: Oppose

Jonathan Wilk (R)
Revenue and taxation; Oklahoma taxable income and Oklahoma adjusted gross income; retirement income; exemption; effective date.
OCPA position:Monitor

Danny Williams (R)
Parental rights; Parents' Bill of Rights; private right of action; review; materials; object; opt in; fine; violation; term; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Trish Ranson (D)
Elections; conduct of elections; straight-party voting; effective date
OCPA position: Oppose

Trish Ranson (D)
Public retirement systems; cost-of-living increases; Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; Uniform Retirement System for Justices and Judges; Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; codification; effective date.
OCPA position: Oppose

Daniel Pae (R)
Bullying; crimes and punishments; prohibiting certain communications through an online platform; schools; modifying provisions of the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Preston Stinson (R)
Criminal procedure; modifying certain qualifications; effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Annie Menz (D)
Turnpikes; removing authority to revise toll rates; requiring legislative approval for toll increases; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Anthony Moore (R)
Judiciary; Judicial Nominating Commission Amendments Act of 2025; effective date.
OCPA position:Monitor

Mike Osburn (R)
Revenue and taxation; Compete with Canada Act; Oklahoma is Bringing Sitcoms Home from Hollywood Act; short title; definitions; incentives; procedures; revolving fund; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Chris Kannady (R)
Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Pension Actuarial Analysis Act; term; Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; participation; employees; agency; codification; effective dates.
OCPA position: Monitor

Chris Kannady (R)
Judges; Supreme Court; Office of Judicial Performance Evaluation; Judicial Performance Evaluation Council; judicial performance evaluations; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Chris Kannady (R)
Fees; court financial obligations in criminal cases; judgment; stay; prohibiting imprisonment for failure to pay; court cost compliance program; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Chris Kannady (R)
Insurance; Insurance Consumers Protection Act; cause of action; bad faith; damages; jury; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Rob Hall (R)
Charter schools; Oklahoma Charter Schools Act; exemptions; financial statements; contract requirements; effective date; emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

John Pfeiffer (R)
Open records; public access counselor; review; subpoena; Attorney General; binding opinion; advisory opinion; emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Max Wolfley (R)
Public retirement systems; cost-of-living increases; Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; Uniform Retirement System for Justices and Judges; Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; codification; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Mike Lay (R)
Retirement; Retirement Reform Act of 2025; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Cyndi Munson (D)
Wrongful convictions; increasing liability amount for claims of wrongful incarceration; codification; effective date; emergency.
OCPA position: Support

John Waldron (D)
Schools; requiring parents to submit a letter of intent with the school district when choosing certain schooling options; database; definitions; effective date; emergency.
OCPA position: Oppose

Kyle Hilbert (R)
Education; per-pupil expenditure definition; effective date; emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Gerrid Kendrix (R) 
Administrative rules and procedures; effective date.
OCPA position: Strong Support

Gerrid Kendrix (R)
Criminal procedure; providing time limitation for bail hearings; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Toni Hasenbeck (R)
Reporting requirements; making certain acts unlawful; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Toni Hasenbeck (R)
Schools; School Predator Reporting Act of 2025; effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Ajay Pittman (D)
Schools; Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program; eligibility for children with incarcerated parents; effective date.

Anthony Moore (R)
Oklahoma Constitution; Oklahoma Judicial Nominating Commission Reform Act of 2025; ballot title; filing.
OCPA position: Monitor

Rob Hall (R)
Oklahoma Constitution; Judicial Nominating Commission; membership; ballot title; filing.
OCPA position: Monitor

Erick Harris (R)
Oklahoma Constitution; Oklahoma Judicial Reform Act of 2025; ballot title; filing.
OCPA position: Monitor


Micheal Bergstrom (R)
Taxation; directing State Board of Equalization to make certain certification; reduction of income tax rate upon certain certification. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Darrell Weaver (R)
Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; providing for benefits increase.
OCPA position: Monitor

David Bullard (R)
State agencies; prohibiting state agencies from taking certain actions relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion; providing penalties. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Julie Daniels (R)
Workers' compensation; expanding certain rights and remedies. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Lonnie Paxton (R)
Income tax credit; requiring the Department of Human Services and the Oklahoma Health Care Authority verify certain claims by certain applicants; requiring certain entities submit documentation to tax commission for verification of income for parental choice tax credit. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dave Rader (R)
Income tax; excluding certain compensation to certain nonresidents. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Kendal Sacchieri (R)
Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; allowing certain employees to opt out of certain System participation.
OCPA position: Monitor

Julie Daniels (R)
Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program; removing prior public school enrollment requirement. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Strong Support

Brent Howard (R)
Damages; increasing maximum limitation on compensation for noneconomic loss. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dana Prieto (R)
The Governmental Tort Claims Act; requiring award of certain costs and fees for prevailing plaintiff; authorizing award of certain fees to defendant; providing for liability for exempted acts upon certain findings by court. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Casey Murdock (R)
Administrative Workers' Compensation Act; eliminating annual payroll threshold for certain employee exclusion. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Avery Frix (R)
Income tax; eliminating limitation on itemization of wagering losses for certain tax years. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Todd Gollihare (R) 
Oklahoma Indigent Defense System; modifying eligibility procedures for indigent representation; removing requirement for payment of certain application fee. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Darrell Weaver (R)
Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; providing for benefits increase.
OCPA position: Monitor

Brent Howard (R)
Judicial retirement; mandating retirement of certain judicial officers upon certain age; authorizing completion of certain term. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

David Bullard (R)
Initiative and referendum; modifying requirements for certain signatures. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Brent Howard (R)
Judicial officers; requiring Supreme Court to establish the Judicial Performance Evaluation Council; establishing procedures for judicial performance evaluation program. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Darrell Weaver (R)
Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; providing for benefits increase.
OCPA position: Monitor

Darrell Weaver (R)
Uniform Retirement System for Justices and Judges; providing for benefits increase.
OCPA position: Monitor

SB 139 
Ally Seifried (R)
Schools; requiring school district boards of education to adopt certain cell phone policy; providing for establishment of certain grant program. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA Position: Support

Dusty Deevers (R)
Restitution; requiring court to prioritize order for restitution to victims. Effective date.
OCPA position:Support

David Bullard (R)
Retirement; allowing oversight boards of state retirement systems to approve cost-of-living adjustments under certain circumstances. Effective dates.
OCPA position: Monitor

Warren Hamilton (R)
Schools; requiring school districts and charter schools to submit certain list of library materials; providing process for reporting violations; providing penalties. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Kendal Sacchieri (R)
Income tax; providing credit for marriage. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Warren Hamilton (R)
Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; providing for benefits increase for certain members.
OCPA position: Monitor

Tom Woods (R)
Child care; requiring child care facilities to ensure absence of certain content in specified materials; making noncompliant facilities ineligible for certain funding. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Tom Woods (R)
Child care; requiring child care facilities to ensure absence of certain content in specified materials; providing for corrective and administrative action. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Brent Howard (R)
Governmental Tort Claims Act; increasing limits on liability for certain claims. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Micheal Bergstrom (R)
Offenders; providing extension of certain driver licenses under certain circumstances. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Julie Daniels (R)
Taxation; modifying and limiting certain credits, deductions, and exemptions; modifying income tax rate for certain years. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Dusty Deevers (R)
Covenant marriage; creating the Covenant Marriage Act of Oklahoma; establishing requirements for entering covenant marriage; providing tax credit for covenant marriage. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Julie Daniels (R)
Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; modifying annual limit for certain years; modifying preference requirement; requiring certain credit reallocation. Effective date.
OCPA position: Strong Support

Jonathan Wingard (R)
Income tax; limiting credit allowance for zero-emission facilities to certain tax years; limiting carry forward of credit. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Dusty Deevers (R)
Teachers; allowing public school districts and charter schools to provide certain designations to certified classroom teachers; creating the Distinguished Educator Allotments Revolving Fund. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Dusty Deevers (R)
Income tax; creating the Making Adoption Affordable Again Act; providing and modifying credit for certain contributions and adoption expenses. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dusty Deevers (R)
Federal taxes; creating the Budget Accountability for State's Economic Defense (BASED) Act; requiring certain withholding and estimated tax payments be made to State Treasurer. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Adam Pugh (R)
Income tax; providing tax credit for contributions to certain higher education institution foundations. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Shane Jett (R)
Tax; modifying certain income tax rates for certain tax years. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Adam Pugh (R)
Income tax credit; providing certain tax credit. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Adam Pugh (R)
Income tax; modifying certain income tax rate for certain tax years. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

George Burns (R)
Income tax; modifying certain income tax rate for certain tax years. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

George Burns (R)
Income tax; modifying certain income tax rate for certain tax years. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dusty Deevers (R)
Income tax; modifying certain income tax rate for certain tax years; modifying certain withholding requirement for certain tax years. Effective date.
OCPA position: Strong Support

Dusty Deevers (R)
Federal taxation; creating the Taxpayer Protection Act. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dusty Deevers (R)
Income tax; modifying certain income tax rate for certain tax years. Effective date.
OCPA position: Strong Support

David Bullard (R)
Income tax; providing credit for eligible dependent children; stipulating credit amount. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dusty Deevers (R)
Incentive Evaluation Act; repealing act. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Warren Hamilton (R)
Conduct of elections; requiring proof of identity for voting purposes to include a photograph; requiring development of certain voter registration card. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Dusty Deevers (R)
Occupation certification; allowing for certain certifications; requiring certain registration; permitting certain participation; authorizing certain termination; prohibiting certain action. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Micheal Bergstrom (R)
Administrative rules; modifying provisions for promulgation and approval of certain rules; requiring Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency to conduct certain analyses. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Dusty Deevers (R)
Income tax; modifying rate for certain corporations for certain tax years. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dusty Deevers (R)
Income tax; modifying rate for certain corporations for certain tax years. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dusty Deevers (R)
Income tax; providing credit for certain occupational licensing fees. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Julia Kirt (D)
Income tax; modifying marginal income tax brackets for certain tax years. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dusty Deevers (R)
Income tax; creating the Promote Child Thriving Act; providing credit for certain married individuals with dependents. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dusty Deevers (R)
Higher education; prohibiting tuition and fee rates at certain institutions of higher education from exceeding rates of certain academic year. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Micheal Bergstrom (R)
School personnel; requiring certain letter from previously employed full-time teacher to include certain attestation. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Micheal Bergstrom (R)
Higher education; requiring certain institutions of higher education to report certain funding from certain foreign sources. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Todd Gollihare (R)
Eminent domain; prohibiting use of eminent domain for certain facilities; requiring authorization by Corporation Commission for exercise of eminent domain by certain entities for specified purpose. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Kelly Hines (R)
Charter schools; removing language requiring a charter school application to be first submitted to certain school district. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Micheal Bergstrom (R)
School employees; prohibiting school districts from requiring employees to participate in certain activities or distribute certain informational materials. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Micheal Bergstrom (R)
Education; creating the Research and Education Protection Act of 2025. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Mark Mann (D)
Schools; directing the Commission for Educational Quality and Accountability to make certain school accreditation determinations until certain date. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Oppose

Casey Murdock (R)
Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program; removing prior public school enrollment requirement. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

David Bullard (R)
Public grounds; requiring display of certain monument; specifying requirements for certain funding; creating felony offense. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Shane Jett (R)
Conduct of elections; prohibiting state or political subdivision from enacting certain voting method; authorizing civil action for certain violations. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Ally Seifried (R)
Students; authorizing students enrolled in charter and virtual charter schools to participate in certain extracurricular activities. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Darcy Jech (R)
Workers' compensation; granting Attorney General concurrent authority with the Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Commission to investigate and enforce certain violations; authorizing certain inspections. Emergency.
OCPA position: Oppose

Shane Jett (R)
School employees; requiring notification from law enforcement upon arrest or investigation of school employee for certain offenses. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Julie Daniels (R)
Department of Corrections; requiring certain designation for certain sexes. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Julie Daniels (R)
Attorney General; authorizing State Treasurer to employ or appoint attorneys. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Shane Jett (R)
Judicial elections; requiring inclusion of certain information on judicial ballots. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Julie Daniels (R)
Income tax; exempting wagering losses from itemized deduction limit for certain tax years. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Avery Frix (R)
Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; increasing monthly benefit for volunteer firefighters; modifying compensation determination. Effective dates. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dana Prieto (R)
The Legislature; requiring agency request statement to be filed with certain legislation. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Micheal Bergstrom (R)
Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; expanding scope of scholarships while participating in the program. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dusty Deevers (R)
Public employees; prohibiting certain public employees from engaging in certain strike or work stoppage; establishing penalties. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Shane Jett (R)
Asset forfeiture; repealing provisions related to asset forfeiture. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Micheal Bergstrom (R)
Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency; establishing administrative rules division within Office. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dusty Deevers (R)
School employee payroll deductions; requiring certain authorization for certain dues and political contributions. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Mary Boren (D)
Hospitals; prohibiting hospitals from taking certain collection action against patients. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Julie Daniels (R)
Oklahoma Open Records Act; modifying requirements for public body to complete certain records requests. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dusty Deevers (R)
Special elections; modifying date when certain special elections may be conducted. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Julie Daniels (R)
Administrative Procedures Act; modifying procedures for judicial review; adding grounds for disqualification of examiner or member; modifying certain hearing procedures. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Kelly Hines (R)
Crimes and punishments; modifying provisions and expanding applicability of offenses related to aiding suicide or an attempt at suicide. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Adam Pugh (R)
Schools; creating the Education Regulatory Sandbox Program; providing purpose; providing for application process. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Todd Gollihare (R)
Motor vehicles; prohibiting use of certain devices while driving. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Micheal Bergstrom (R)
Investments; prohibiting certain funds from being invested with certain entities and certain governments. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Shane Jett (R)
Asset forfeiture transparency; making certain reports available for public inspection; requiring submission of report on seizure of property. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Ally Seifried (R)
School district elections; modifying dates for board of education elections. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Brent Howard (R)
Oklahoma Evidence Code; providing for admissibility of certain statements in certain proceedings. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Darrell Weaver (R)
Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; allowing for credited service from certain out-of-state public retirement systems. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Micheal Bergstrom (R)
Administrative Procedures Act; prohibiting state agencies from complying with federal regulations without legislative approval. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Jerry Alvord (R)
Administrative rules; requiring rules to sunset annually; establishing renewal process. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Micheal Bergstrom (R)
Schools; prohibiting school districts from making school employee payroll deductions for certain dues and contributions. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Brent Howard (R)
Open Records; creating the Public Access Counselor Unit within the Office of the Attorney General; establishing procedures for review of records requests. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Lonnie Paxton (R)
Worker's compensation; clarifying applicability of certain remedies and rights to certain persons; stating effect of provisions to certain contracts. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Julie McIntosh (R)
Emergency management; prohibiting Governor from closing businesses under certain circumstances; requiring due process for businesses ordered to close. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Lisa Standridge (R)
Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; modifying installment payment for certain eligible students. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Lonnie Paxton (R)
Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; defining term. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Lonnie Paxton (R)
Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; modifying application period; modifying payment procedure. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Lonnie Paxton (R)
Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; prescribing procedure for enforcement of annual limit. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Lonnie Paxton (R)
Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; applying authorized but unused credit to subsequent annual limitation. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Micheal Bergstrom (R)
Prisons and reformatories; authorizing certain attainment of earned credits. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Kristen Thompson (R)
Social media; requiring certain warning on social media platforms. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Julie Daniels (R)
Administrative Procedures Act; establishing guidelines for interpretation of statutes or administrative rules. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dave Rader (R)
Energy Discrimination Elimination Act of 2022; transferring enforcement authority to Office of the Attorney General; modifying reporting, disclosure, and judicial provisions for state governmental entities. Effective date. Emergency,
OCPA position: Monitor

Bill Coleman (R)
Protection from Domestic Abuse Act; requiring court to order Global Positioning System monitoring of certain persons served with protective order. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Brenda Stanley (R)
Oklahoma Evidence Code; modifying certain hearsay exception to include statements by vulnerable adults. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dave Rader (R)
Criminal procedure; establishing time limitation for the filing of an indictment or information; allowing for extensions; authorizing certain release. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Darrell Weaver (R)
Fees; increasing sheriff's fee for certain service. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Ally Seifried (R)
Artificial intelligence; requiring certain disclosure for certain media. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Aaron Reinhardt (R)
Oklahoma Discovery Code; establishing grounds for good cause to issue protective order to prevent deposition of certain officers; authorizing limitation on scope of certain depositions. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dave Rader (R)
Labor; prohibiting an employer from requiring a nondisclosure agreement from an employee relating to sexual harassment in the workplace. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Dave Rader (R)
School choice information; requiring certain information be presented prior to annual enrollment. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Adam Pugh (R)
Higher education; prohibiting certain activities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Support

Darrell Weaver (R)
Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; providing for benefits increase.
OCPA position: Monitor

Ally Seifried (R)
Victim protective orders; modifying requirements for filing of certain petitions; requiring certain notice. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Jack Stewart (R)
Income tax credit; providing tax credit for contributions to charitable organizations. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Todd Gollihare (R)
Damages; increasing maximum limitation on compensation for noneconomic loss; removing exceptions to limitation on noneconomic loss compensation. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

Julie Daniels (R)
Court of Civil Appeals; modifying authority for review of certain decisions; directing assignment of certain appeals. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support

David Bullard (R)
Elections; prohibiting the use of open primaries; declaring certain ordinances and elections void. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Julie Daniels (R)
Secretary of State; requiring submission of certain agency actions for review; requiring board to abide by certain recommendations. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Kristen Thompson (R)
Social media; prohibiting certain accounts for users under a certain age. Effective date. 
OCPA position: Monitor

Darrell Weaver (R)
Larceny; modifying value threshold for certain misdemeanor and felony offenses. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Darrell Weaver (R)
Automatic license plate reader systems; authorizing certain use by law enforcement. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Casey Murdock (R)
Sex Offenders Registration Act; modifying provisions related to sex offenders; prohibiting certain agreement. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Mary Boren (D)
Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; allowing Board of Trustees to approve cost-of-living adjustment for certain retirees.
OCPA position: Oppose

Ally Seifried (R)
Social media; creating the Safe Screens for Kids Act. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Casey Murdock (R)
Hospitals; requiring hospitals to make public certain file and list; authorizing compliance monitoring and enforcement; prohibiting certain collection actions. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Bill Coleman (R)
Artificial intelligence; prohibiting distribution of certain media and requiring certain disclosures. Effective date.
OCPA position: Monitor

Micheal Bergstrom (R)
Administrative rules; providing for termination of permanent administrative rules subject to certain schedule; providing for renewal process. Effective date. Emergency.
OCPA position: Monitor

Darrell Weaver (R)
Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; providing for benefits increase.
OCPA position:Monitor

Avery Frix (R)
Retirement; providing for benefits increases for certain retirees.
OCPA position: Oppose

Darcy Jech (R)
Social media; authorizing certain action against a social media platform. Effective date.
OCPA position: Oppose

Kendal Sacchieri (R)
State government; prohibiting state agencies from contracting with lobbyists or hiring legislative liaisons for certain purposes. Effective date.
OCPA position: Support