
Oklahoma voters want school freedom

February 25, 2022

Brandon Dutcher

The evidence continues to pile up: Oklahoma voters want educational freedom.

Consider these recent survey results from WPA Intelligence. Respondents were asked:

As you can see, support is overwhelming among likely Oklahoma voters (74% to 18%). Support is even stronger among Republican primary voters (82% to 10%).

Respondents were also asked:

Likely voters, by a margin of 60% to 20%, would be more likely to re-elect a pro-school-freedom lawmaker. Among Republican primary voters, the margin is 72% to 9%.

Notes on methodology: WPA Intelligence selected a random sample of registered voters from the Oklahoma voter file using Registration Based Sampling (RBS). The sample for the survey was stratified based on geography, age, gender, partisanship, and ethnicity, allowing WPAi to avoid post-survey “weighting” which can reduce the reliability of survey results. ​Respondents were contacted by phone via a live telephone operator interview October 31–November 3, 2021. The study has a sample size of n=500 likely voters with a margin of error of ±4.4% in 95 out of 100 cases. The Republican primary voter oversample has a sample size of n=300 with a margin of error of ±5.7% in 95 out of 100 cases.​