Higher Education
Oklahomans say higher ed could be run more efficiently
March 1, 2016
Brandon Dutcher
According to a new SoonerPoll survey, Oklahomans believe there is room for greater efficiency in the state’s higher education system. Consider the following questions and responses:
In Oklahoma state government, the chancellor of higher education is paid more than $411,000 per year, which is more than the governor is paid. Do you think this amount is:
- Too high … 80.1%
- Too low … 2.5%
- About right … 9.6%
- Don’t know/refused … 7.8%
Now, I’m going to read to you several statements. For each one, please tell me whether you agree or disagree. “Public colleges and universities in Oklahoma could be run more efficiently.”
- Strongly agree … 49.2%
- Somewhat agree … 33.1%
- Neutral/don’t know/refused … 12.4%
- Somewhat disagree … 3.0%
- Strongly disagree … 2.4%
“In public colleges and universities, professors should be paid based on how much they teach and not based on writing articles and other non-teaching activities.”
- Strongly agree … 55.1%
- Somewhat agree … 24.1%
- Neutral/don’t know/refused … 11.0%
- Somewhat disagree … 7.5%
- Strongly disagree … 2.3%
Source: SoonerPoll.com scientific study conducted from February 9-12, 2016, with 410 likely Oklahoma voters selected at random statewide from a dual frame of both landline telephone and cell phones. The sample was weighted by age, congressional district, and gender in order to reflect the Oklahoma likely voter population for a general election. The study has a margin of error of ± 4.84 percent.