Law & Principles
Oklahomans want Transparency for Federal Funding
April 21, 2015
Trent England
The Oklahoma Senate is considering House Bill 1748, which would require state agencies to disclose information about their relationships with the federal government. The bill is part of a multi-state effort to increase transparency when it comes to “free” federal money. In fact, these federal tax dollars are often used to manipulate state policymaking.
It turns out, Oklahomans strongly support this concept. This should come as no surprise, since officeholders from Gov. Mary Fallin to most members of the State Legislature won office by promising voters they would stand up against Washington, D.C.
How strong is public support for federal funds transparency? A public opinion survey just conducted by Sooner Poll found that Oklahomans favor this idea by a nearly nine-to-one margin. (OCPA Financial Ready Question Poll Results)
One of the arguments for greater transparency is that policymakers and agency leaders need to be able to plan for possible reductions in federal funding. After all, the federal government has run record deficits in recent years. This unsustainable spending is going to be reined in, and one of the easiest places for Congress to cut is funding to states.
Most of the public agrees. When asked “how important is it for Oklahoma to be financially prepared” for possible reductions in federal funding, 76 percent of respondents said this is “very important.”
Perhaps the strongest argument for federal funds transparency is that the money often comes with strings attached. Federal programs and grants may require additional state expenditures. They sometimes mandate or limit state policy decisions, quietly shifting power out of Oklahoma and into Washington, D.C. Increased transparency would make it clear to policymakers and citizens alike when this happens and could be the first step in reining in this area of federal overreach.