Education, Culture & the Family

Teacher unions and the sexualization of children

July 24, 2023

Maddie Dermon

From drag show field trips to pornographic reading material, far too many public schools across America continue to embrace gender ideology in the classroom. Yet, an estimated 58 percent of teachers are dissatisfied with the way students are taught about issues related to sexual preference and gender identity at school.

As parents and educators alike continue to push back against gender indoctrination, the true culprit in the sexualization of children at school is clear: teachers’ unions.

With about 2.5 million working members, the National Education Association (NEA) is the largest teachers’ union in the United States. While the NEA engages in normal collective bargaining activities on behalf of its members, the union takes its responsibilities a step further.

According to NEA’s website, “We help teachers understand the unique challenges of today’s classrooms and develop groundbreaking solutions to strengthen public schools.” These “groundbreaking solutions,” however, often have more to do with the interests of left-wing progressives rather than the wellbeing of students and teachers.

To the NEA, one of the biggest “challenges of today’s classrooms,” is “LGBTQ+ bias and intolerance in our public schools.” Accordingly, the NEA’s website features a library of “NEA LGBTQ+ Resources,” including model school board resolutions, legal guidance on transgender students’ rights, and a pronoun guide.

The most alarming resource provided to teachers, however, is “Schools in Transition: A Guide for Supporting Transgender Students in K-12 Schools,” co-produced by the NEA in collaboration with the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Gender Spectrum, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, and the American Civil Liberties Union.

Written in 2015 to, in NEA’s words, provide a “roadmap for educators and parents to provide safe and supportive environments for all transgender students,” the guidebook reveals the stunning groundwork laid by the NEA in the gender ideology movement long before the recent push for transgender youth gained widespread attention.

According to former NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia, the guidebook is an “extremely valuable resource for the 3 million NEA members” that serves as a “lifesaver for the increasing number of transgender students who are living as their authentic selves.”

Here are nine takeaways from the NEA’s guide to supporting transgender students:

Since 2015, the NEA has doubled down on sentiments expressed in “Schools in Transition” through its political agenda funded by membership dues.

Each year, NEA delegates from across the country debate and vote on new business items (NBIs) that create goals with corresponding financial commitments for the upcoming year. In 2021, the NEA adopted NBI 5, a $47,000 commitment to educating “state and local affiliates and members about the dangers of anti-transgender legislation targeting transgender youth in sports and/or restricting their access to gender-affirming health care.” Since 2021, NBIs are no longer available for public view.

However, a letter to the NEA from U.S. Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.) and other senators reveals the contents of NBI 15, adopted by the union in 2022: “NEA reportedly plans to spend $140,000 to create an ‘enemies list’ of groups that have been identified as ‘actively working to diminish a students’ right to honesty in education, freedom of sexual and gender identity, and teacher autonomy.’”

In addition, the NEA advises congressional representatives to vote for or against certain legislative items. In 2023, the NEA advised representatives to vote against HR 734, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, citing its “attempt to erase transgender students from schools.” The union also advised against voting for HR 5, the Parents Bill of Rights Act, including specific amendments that would allow parents the right to know whether their child’s school allows transgender students to participate in athletic events and use restrooms that correspond with their new gender identity.

In the controversial conversation surrounding transgender youth, the NEA has made its stance clear: “transgender” children need to be affirmed in the classroom, regardless of age, circumstance, or parental input.

Since the publication of “Students in Transition,” the union has become increasingly militant in its support of gender ideology. It is no coincidence that the number of young people who identify as transgender has nearly doubled in recent years. Ignoring decades of studies showing that the majority of transgender children eventually cease to identify as transgender by adulthood, the NEA has proven its commitment to using students as pawns in a society driven by identity politics and political correctness.

In recent years, it has become clear that teachers’ unions are more interested in indoctrinating young generations with progressive politics rather than protecting the workplace rights of teachers. To protect both the integrity of the public school system and the dignity of American children, teachers and parents alike need to recognize the exploitative nature of teachers’ unions, and act accordingly.

[Maddie Dermon is a policy and research analyst at the Freedom Foundation, where this article originally appeared. It is republished here with permission.]