Media mentions - Week of April 27, 2018
April 27, 2018
The Oklahoman: Teachers union showed power, limitations during walkout
Despite not getting all they'd asked for, Priest claimed a victory for teachers, but struggled to answer media questions about why the walkout had lasted as long as it did and why the organization was giving in now.
Dave Bond, vice president of advocacy for the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, said a union like OEA might have seen new members, but he was skeptical on the union gaining additional public support.
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Muskogee Politico: PolitiFact’s Double Standard
When I moved to Oklahoma, I got a raise simply because things cost less here than in the Seattle area where I grew up. Housing, especially, is cheaper here than anywhere else I’ve lived.
So, it only seems fair to me, when comparing Oklahoma to other states, to consider differences in the cost of living. When you do, it turns out that Oklahoma does much better, and it exposes inconvenient truths, like the fact that California has the worst poverty in the country.
The Journal Record: Fox News host earns cheers
Author Greg Gutfeld brought the house down when he spoke at the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs dinner the other night. Fortunately, Paul Allen and David McLaughlin, the two men who were honored with the OCPA’s Citizenship Awards, received them first.
The Journal Record: Era of oversight needed
Since 2015, annual taxes and other revenue taken from Oklahomans has increased by $1.1 billion – Oklahomans’ personal income taxes are up at least $185 million annually just since 2016.
Oklahoma government is growing. Some growth is earmarked for teachers and textbooks; other new tax and revenue dollars will go to bail out poorly operated state agencies.