OCPA higher-education ideas having an impact

July 12, 2012

I had a nice chat this week with a reporter who’s doing a story on the push (by Gov. Mary Fallin and higher-education officials) for more college graduates in Oklahoma. I told the reporter:

“Ideas have consequences,” the conservative thinker Richard Weaver observed, and it’s gratifying to see free-market ideas are having consequences in the public-policy discussion. State regents are now discussing moving to a performance-based funding formula, taking into account factors such as graduation rates. University of Oklahoma president David Boren acknowledges that higher education needs to be “more cost-effective.” He suggests there may be too many college campuses and too many course offerings, and says professors need to teach more.

What next — the call for more higher-education vouchers in Oklahoma?!

Granted, the status quo hasn’t yet lost its status — witness the never-ending discussion about more government spending on higher education. But thanks to continued thought-leadership from free-market voices and bold political leadership from the likes of Gov. Rick Perry, Gov. Mitch Daniels and, most recently, Gov. Scott Walker, change is coming to higher education.

Brandon Dutcher can be reached at twitter.com/brandondutcher or facebook.com/brandondutcher.