Good Government
OCPA files open records request on proposed rule 2019-02
December 18, 2018
OCPA files open records request with the Oklahoma Ethics Commission on proposed rule 2019-02
The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA) today filed an open records request with the Oklahoma Ethics Commission seeking details of the Commission’s work with an out-of-state political organization or other outside groups on proposed rule 2019-02. OCPA Executive Vice President Trent England released the following statement:
“It is beyond ironic that the Oklahoma Ethics Commission is working with the Brennan Center on a proposed rule that would violate Oklahoman’s rights to free speech and personal privacy.
“The Brennan Center is a Washington, D.C.-based liberal organization—not that there’s anything wrong with that—funded by George Soros and closely aligned with former President Obama. It does not represent Oklahoma values. In fact, it routinely attacks policies most Oklahomans support, like the death penalty and showing identification in order to vote.
“Since the Oklahoma Ethics Commission wants to be the agency responsible for all state open records requests, I’m sure they will quickly comply with this request.”