OCPA staff seek dismissal of abusive court filings
June 22, 2022
OKLAHOMA CITY (June 22, 2022)— In filings today, four employees of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs asked for the immediate dismissal of protective-order petitions filed against them by state Rep. Anthony Moore’s spouse. The motions show that the petitions fail to meet the requirements needed for a valid protective order.
OCPA fellow and spokesman Trent England reiterated his earlier statement: “None of our staff have ever had any contact with Rep. Moore’s spouse, so far as any of us can tell. Not by text or in any other way. Any claim to the contrary should be accompanied by evidence.”
The OCPA staff have asked the court to award the four individuals their attorney fees and costs. The law also says that anyone who misleads a court in order to obtain a protective order may be guilty of perjury, a felony.
“These are frivolous petitions and a clear abuse of the court system,” said OCPA President Jonathan Small. “This is nothing but an attempt by a politician to attack a group who educates Oklahomans on lawmakers’ policy positions and lawmakers’ votes.”
After an internal investigation, OCPA determined that one staff member, a former long-time resident of Western Oklahoma acting in her personal capacity, did send Rep. Moore two text messages. Those messages to Rep. Moore were not of a threatening nature and related to concerns about his behavior as a legislator.
The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs is a free-market think tank that works to advance principles and policies that support free enterprise, limited government, individual initiative, and personal responsibility.