Culture & the Family
Missouri scandal adds urgency to Oklahoma child-protection effort
The attorney general of Missouri is investigating allegations that a transgender center in St. Louis has been harming hundreds of children each year, including by using experimental drugs on them. Oklahoma lawmakers say this news adds urgency to their efforts here.Ray Carter | February 10, 2023
Law & Principles
OCPA praises Attorney General for fighting federal overreach
OCPA President Jonathan Small today praised Attorney General Gentner Drummond for threatening to sue the Biden administration if it does not withdraw a dangerous rule by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that designates the lesser prairie chicken as a threatened species.Staff | February 10, 2023
Culture & the Family
Oklahoma lawmakers approve bill declaring woman means woman
Members of an Oklahoma Senate committee have advanced legislation to standardize state law and ensure that all references to women in statute are explicitly defined as individuals declared female at birth.Ray Carter | February 9, 2023
Culture & the Family
OCPA praises senators for protecting children and teens
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs President Jonathan Small today praised senators for advancing legislation that would prevent children from undergoing sex-reassignment surgeries, cross-sex hormones, or puberty blockers, before age 18.Staff | February 9, 2023
Facing strong school choice support, union touts push poll
A new poll released by public-school interest groups says Oklahomans oppose school choice. In contrast, the polling firm that was correct about the Stitt-Hofmeister race continues to find lopsided support for school choice in Oklahoma.Ray Carter | February 9, 2023
Here’s how to raise Oklahoma teachers’ pay
If all of these proposals were adopted, a high-performing teacher could see an approximately $24,000 pay raise. That may sound fanciful to some, but it proves that there is a route to making a robust financial commitment to teachers while also reforming the education system so that those investments are aimed at improving student outcomes.Curtis Shelton | February 9, 2023
Culture & the Family
Ban on youth transgender surgeries clears committee
Legislation making it illegal to perform sex-change surgeries on children or inject them with cross-sex hormones or puberty blockers has won easy approval in an Oklahoma Senate Committee.Ray Carter | February 8, 2023
Oklahoma public schools spend $12,967 per student
According to Oklahoma State Department of Education data from the Oklahoma Cost Accounting System, school district expenditures in 2022 totaled $9,058,129,282.81. Student enrollment is 698,577. Thus, the per-student expenditure is $12,967.Brandon Dutcher & Curtis Shelton | February 8, 2023
Lawmakers vote to end school bans on student Indian regalia
American Indian students in Oklahoma public schools could not be prohibited from wearing tribal regalia under legislation that has won committee approval in the Oklahoma Senate.Ray Carter | February 7, 2023
Budget & Tax, Education
A spending increase is not a ‘cut’
Those who proclaim spending increases and teacher pay raises are “cuts” are not only crying wolf—they are also insulting voters’ intelligence.Jonathan Small | February 7, 2023