Jonathan Ingram
Jonathan Ingram is vice president of research at the Foundation for Government Accountability, a nonprofit think tank which equips policymakers with principled strategies to replace failed health and welfare programs. He is co-author, with OCPA president Jonathan Small, of the April 2016 report, “Out of Balance: Oklahoma Health Care Authority’s Latest Plan Is Simply Obamacare Medicaid Expansion by Another Name.”
Recent Articles
Health Care
Obamacare Medicaid expansion: Not a cure for Oklahoma health care
Some Oklahoma lawmakers have proposed a plan to expand Medicaid eligibility through the Insure Oklahoma program. But Oklahoma Senate Bill 605 and similar iterations, known as the “Oklahoma Plan,” are just a ploy to implement Obamacare Medicaid expansion in the Sooner State and shift hundreds of thousands of able-bodied, working age adults onto Oklahoma’s Medicaid rolls. The plan has three major components: (1) massively increase spending to implement Obamacare Medicaid expansion by way of premium assistance; (2) create a brand new welfare program for 628,000 able-bodied adults; and (3) propose a program that other states have found to be twice as expensive as predicted and with no measurable performance goals or changes in health outcomes. Oklahoma policymakers should reject Obamacare Medicaid expansion, SB 605, or any other plan to “access federal dollars” that expands welfare, and instead refocus their efforts on improving the Medicaid program for the most vulnerable and promoting meaningful health care reforms.Jonathan Small, Kaitlyn Finley, Jonathan Ingram | October 29, 2019
Health Care
Obamacare Medicaid Expansion Enrollment Is Shattering Projections
Enrollment in previously reviewed states has blasted further past projected maximums, and new data from additional expansion states indicate the problem is even worse than previously known.Jonathan Ingram, Nicholas Horton | January 1, 2017
Health Care
Obamacare Medicaid Expansion Creates Expensive New Entitlement for Able-Bodied Adults While Endangering the Truly Needy
The Oklahoma Health Care Authority has proposed a plan to “rebalance” Medicaid eligibility in the Sooner State. But this “rebalancing” is really just an Obamacare expansion by another name.Jonathan Small, Jonathan Ingram | June 1, 2016
Health Care
It's Not OK: Oklahoma Obamacare Medicaid Plan Puts Needy At Risk
Today in Forbes, OCPA president Jonathan Small, along FGA's Jonathan Ingram and Josh Archambault, explains why OHCA's Medicaid "rebalance" plan would put the truly needy in danger and create perputual budget crises.Jonathan Small, Jonathan Ingram | May 23, 2016
Health Care
Out of Balance Study Summary
Jonathan Small, Jonathan Ingram | May 4, 2016