Law & Principles
Staff | March 1, 2022
OCPA 2022 legislative scorecard: Watch list update (March 1 2022)
Below is an updated watch list of bills that are eligible to be included on OCPA’s legislative scorecard for Oklahoma’s 2022 legislative session.
The legislative scorecard is an effort to inform Oklahoma citizens how their state legislators vote at the state Capitol on issues related to free markets, limited government, individual initiative, and personal responsibility.
OCPA anticipates periodically updating the watch list with additional bills as the session progresses. The watch list, along with subsequent updates, will be emailed to every legislator and posted on OCPA’s website.
A bill’s presence on the watch list does not guarantee that it will be included on the scorecard, but a bill on the watch list is eligible to be added to the scorecard at any time.
Not all bills on the scorecard will be weighted the same when calculating a lawmaker’s score. Different bills—and different votes on those bills—may be given different point values on the scorecard, as determined by OCPA’s policy team.
Bills of potentially greater consequence on issues related to free markets, limited government, individual initiative, and personal responsibility may be given a higher point value than other bills.
Subject to the fluidity of the legislative process, OCPA will strive to add a given bill to the watch list prior to that bill being voted on.
SB 2—Bergstrom—Save Women’s Sports Act—Support
SB 634—Daniels—Payroll deductions for public school district employees—SUPPORT
SB 957—Howard—Recusal by state Supreme Court justices—Watch
SB 962—Treat—School board elections—SUPPORT
SB 1100—Bergstrom—Limiting gender designation on certificate of birth to male or female; prohibiting nonbinary designation—Watch
SB 1107—Bergstrom—Criminal justice reform—delays expiration of driver’s license when a person is incarcerated and allows 180 days after release to obtain provisional license—SUPPORT
SB 1108—Bergstrom—Adding items to be reviewed by School Finance Review Commission—SUPPORT
SB 1109—Rogers—Criminal justice reform—Requires that cars used by law enforcement for traffic enforcement have clear markings—Watch
SB 1111—Howard—Amends mischievous animal statute to a felony with a four-year minimum—Watch
SB 1113—Bergstrom—Criminal justice reform—Allows competency to be restored in jail if a bed is not available at a forensic center—SUPPORT
SB 1119—Garvin—Adjunct teachers—Watch
SB 1125—Bullard—Directs school districts to post on their websites certain professional development information—SUPPORT
SB 1126—Garvin—Removes limits on school district general fund carryover; requires online posting of carryover amounts—Watch
SB 1135—Standridge—Wellness scholarship—Watch
SB 1136—Rosino—Makes assault and battery on a DHS worker a felony—Watch
SB 1141—Standridge—DEI curriculum in higher education—Watch
SB 1142—Standridge—Obscene books in public schools—Watch
SB 1144—Garvin—Substitute teachers—Watch
SB 1149—Bergstrom—Directing school districts and charter schools to post certain learning materials online—SUPPORT
SB 1162—Merrick—School freedom—Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarship—SUPPORT
SB 1164—Merrick—School bathrooms—Watch
SB 1170—Standridge—Religious freedom scholarship—Watch
SB 1174—Burns—“Action civics" in public schools—SUPPORT
SB 1249—Merrick—Municipal bathrooms—Watch
SB 1266—Bergstrom—Exempts personal property from taxation in some instances—Watch
SB 1270—Standridge—Education freedom—SUPPORT
SB 1272—Dugger—Puts new limits on open-records requests and increases the fees for the same—Watch
SB 1274—Dahm—OHLAP changes—Watch
SB 1283—Daniels—Allows the governor to appoint members to the State Geographic Information System Council without recommendation—SUPPORT
SB 1287—Daniels—Removes the requirement that the governor appoint psychologists to the State Board of Examiners from a list provided by the OSPA—SUPPORT
SB 1288—Daniels—Removes certain restrictions on gubernatorial appointments to the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure—SUPPORT
SB 1289—Daniels—Removes restrictions on gubernatorial appointments to the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision—SUPPORT
SB 1290—Daniels—Removes restrictions on gubernatorial appointments to the State Board of Pharmacy—SUPPORT
SB 1291—Daniels—Removes restrictions on gubernatorial appointments to the Oklahoma Board of Nursing—SUPPORT
SB 1295—Taylor—New felony for assault and battery on a municipal or county official—Watch
SB 1309—Bergstrom—Licensing—Watch
SB 1315—Bullard—Ammo sales tax exemption—Watc
SB 1365—Garvin—Directs the state Supreme Court to pilot a court records system for municipal courts—SUPPORT
SB 1376—Hamilton—Watch
SB 1380—Daniels—Subjects certain payroll deductions to certain provisions—SUPPORT
SB 1392—Kirt—Open records—Requires public bodies to explain why they can't provide records in 5 days and provide a time to expect records—SUPPORT
SB 1402—Dahm—Professional teacher charter—SUPPORT
SB 1403—Daniels—Part-time enrollment—Watch
SB 1404—Daniels—Requires boards of education to direct a certain election to certify school employee organizations—SUPPORT
SB 1415—Dahm—SUPPORT
SB 1417—Howard—Courts—Changes the Oklahoma pleading code to adopt the federal rule for allegations in a petition—SUPPORT
SB 1420—Dahm—School freedom scholarships—SUPPORT
SB 1421—Garvin—Watch
SB 1424—Garvin—Watch
SB 1429—Howard—Watch
SB 1455—Daniels—Allows courts to interpret administrative rules de novo rather than deferring to agency interpretations—SUPPORT
SB 1458—Thompson—Criminal justice reform—Eliminates certain agency fines and fees—SUPPORT
SB 1471—Paxton—Income tax credit—Provides a credit for qualifying educational expenses—SUPPORT
SB 1481—Treat—Franchise tax—Watch
SB 1489—Dahm—Taxation—Repeals portions of the income tax—SUPPORT
SB 1532—Daniels—Criminal justice reform—Allows for court debt forgiveness after four years of consistent payments—SUPPORT
SB 1538—Leewright—Makes it a misdemeanor to disobey any order from a peace officer or firefighter who is acting in the scope of their duty—Watch
SB 1570—Hamilton—Absentee voting—Watch
SB 1582—Treat—School board recall—SUPPORT
SB 1583—Treat—Allowing students to more easily transfer out of “F” schools—Support
SB 1590—Weaver—Sentencing—Watch
SB 1592—Treat—Liability insurance—Creates the Educators' Professional Liability Insurance Program requiring liability coverage for school employees—SUPPORT
SB 1620—Pugh—Public school transportation—Watch
SB 1621—Pugh—Statewide charter school authorizer—Watch
SB 1622—Pugh—Leasing school district property to charter schools—Watch
SB 1627—Pugh—Teacher quality—Watch
SB 1646—Rader—Criminal justice reform—Felony classification—SUPPORT
SB 1647—Treat—School freedom—Creating the Oklahoma Empowerment Act—SUPPORT
SB 1652—Jett—Higher education—Directs certain institutions to post certain budget information on their websites—SUPPORT
SB 1675—Pugh—Higher education realignment—Watch
SB 1688—Standridge—Expands civil asset forfeiture to illegal marijuana businesses—Watch
SB 1689—Murdock—Requires reporting of certain funds returned from posting someone's bail—Watch
SB 1691—Taylor—Occupational licensing—Creates more opportunities for people with criminal backgrounds to get jobs—SUPPORT
SB 1698—Weaver—Creates criminal sanctions for those who disclose information from an executive session under the Open Meeting Act—Watch
SB 1702—Thompson—Corporate taxable income—Watch
SB 1728—Bergstrom—Taxation—Watch
SB 1746—Brooks—Drug courts—Removes the District Attorney as the gatekeeper for drug court—SUPPORT
SB 1761—Merrick—Child abuse—Watch
SB 1763—Weaver—Expands who can seize assets without a criminal conviction—Watch
SB 1793—Jett—Free speech—Requires publishers to publish any advertisement so long as the advertiser pays market rate—Watch
SB 1796—Merrick—Federal tax fund—Watch
SB 1802—Howard—Government—Consolidates statutes that say the same thing—Watch
SB 1825—Merrick—Courts—Puts limits on the terms of special judges—Watch
SB 1831—Montgomery—Expensing—Watch
SJR 27—Bergstrom—Constitutional amendment—Clarifies certain voting requirement (U.S. citizenship)—SUPPORT
SJR 28—Daniels—Constitutional amendment—Modifies the procedure for appointment of justices and judges—SUPPORT
SJR 31—Merrick—State sovereignty—Watch
SJR 35—Jech—Constitutional amendment—Creates the Taxpayer Allocation Program Fund providing a taxpayer refund upon certain conditions—Watch
SJR 37—Treat—Watch
SJR 43—Treat—Constitutional amendment—Modifies the court system—SUPPORT
SCR 15—Dahm—Higher education—Requires the State Regents for Higher Education to submit a certain report by a certain date—SUPPORT
HB 1130—Phillips—Data privacy—Watch
HB 1602—West (Josh) and Walke—Data privacy—Watch
HB 2852—Roberts (Sean)—Pensions—Retirement COLAs —Watch
HB 2967—Provenzano—Education—Mask mandates—Watch
HB 2968—Walke—Data privacy bill—Watch
HB 2969—West (Josh) and Walke—Data privacy—Watch
HB 2971—Nichols—Health care—Limits the governor's discretion with appointments to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority—OPPOSE
HB 2973—Olsen—Mental health—Parental and Family Rights in Counseling Protection Act—SUPPORT
HB 2975—Olsen—Elections—Adding reason for cancellation of voter registration—SUPPORT
HB 2980—Stearman—School districts—Prohibiting use of state appropriations to pay fees or membership dues—SUPPORT
HB 2985—Rosecrants—Education—Makes state tests voluntary—Watch
HB 2988—Olsen—Education—Bars use of 1619 curriculum—SUPPORT
HB 3002—Munson—Criminal justice reform—Modifies various licensure requirements to only prohibit felons if the crime is related to the profession—SUPPORT
HB 3005—Sims—Creates a new felony related to catalytic converters—OPPOSE
HB 3008—Luttrell—Allows the state to compact with tribes to allow sports betting—Watch
HB 3017—Dollens—Instructs election board to try to inform felons when their voting rights have been restored—Watch
HB 3024—Worthen—Adds a category for expungements—Watch
HB 3025—Worthen—Fines and fees—Allows court clerks to not have to accept unrolled coins for payment of court debt—Watch
HB 3046—Lepak—Elections—Requires elections to be funded with state money; bans “Zuck bucks”—SUPPORT
HB 3052—Hasenbeck—School freedom—Modifies program eligibility for Lindsey Nicole Henry scholarship—SUPPORT
HB 3063—Ranson—Extends the Open Meeting Act to student organizations at a public university or community college—Watch
HB 3077—Smith—Torts—Creates strict liability for damage done by pets—Watch
HB 3081—Hilbert—Tax credit —Strategic industrial development enhancement tax credit—Watch
HB 3084—Hilbert—Public school transportation—SUPPORT
HB 3085—Hilbert—Taxation—Allows tax break for gambling losses—Watch
HB 3086—Hilbert—Public school transportation—SUPPORT
HB 3099—Hilbert—Oklahoma’s Brightest Students Act—Watch
HB 3129—Bennett—Watch
HB 3131—Kendrix—Taxation—Repeals the franchise tax—SUPPORT
HB 3136—Kendrix—Taxation—Lowers interest rate on tax payments—Watch
HB 3137—Kendrix—Taxation—Exempts sale of certain construction property and services from the sales tax—Watch
HB 3153—West (Kevin)—Elections—Modifying dates for certain county, school, municipal elections—SUPPORT
HB 3232—Hader—Elections—Decoupling federal elections—Watch
HB 3233—Hader—Elections—Watch
HB 3234—Hader—Elections—Watch
HB 3276—Humphrey—Qualified Immunity—Extends qualified immunity to the GTCA—Watch
HB 3285—Humphrey—Fines and fees—Waives supervision costs in certain circumstances—SUPPORT
HB 3293—Humphrey—Criminal justice reform—Removes the District Attorney as a gatekeeper for sentence modifications—SUPPORT
HB 3300—Boatman—Taxation—Income from sales in other states—Watch
HB 3304—Humphrey—Drug courts—Removes the District Attorney as a gatekeeper for drug court—SUPPORT
HB 3305—Humphrey—Creates a Conviction Integrity Review Unit—Watch
HB 3306—Humphrey—Provides for disclosure of information in post-conviction situations—Watch
HB 3312—Roe—Tort liability—Creates strict liability for dog bites—Watch
HB 3313—Roe—Allowing Covid patients to designate visitor—SUPPORT
HB 3316—Miller—Criminal justice reform—Creates the clean slate expungement program—SUPPORT
HB 3331—Fugate—Taxation—Disclosure requirement; confidential information exception—OPPOSE
HB 3332—Fugate—Open records—Amends definition of public body to include those contracted by the state to perform services—Watch
HB 3334—Fugate—Taxation—Medicaid funding; employers; assessment; Oklahoma Health Care Authority; remittances—Watch
HB 3345—O’Donnell—Taxation—Clean Burning Tax Credit—Watch
HB 3347—Fetgatter—Taxation—Medical marijuana deduction—Watch
HB 3351—McCall—Taxation—Tax credit for donation directly to teachers—Watch
HB 3364—Roberts (Eric)—Election integrity—Watch
HB 3365—Roberts (Eric)—Election integrity—Watch
HB 3366—Roberts (Eric)—Election integrity—Watch
HB 3371—West (Tammy)—Taxation—Credit for expenses on caregiving—Watch
HB 3383—Moore—Amends the time frame to move for post-conviction relief—Watch
HB 3384—Moore—Courts—Removes provision that delays discovery until after after the answer is filed—Watch
HB 3418—Fetgatter—Taxation—Allows for full expensing—SUPPORT
HB 3426—Osburn—Fines and fees—Allows cities to outsource fines and fees collection—Watch
HB 3431—Osburn—School freedom—Lindsey Nicole Henry scholarship; removing requirement that student spend the prior year enrolled in a public school—SUPPORT
HB 3438—Osburn—Taxation—Tax credit for adoption expenses, pre/postpartum counseling—Watch
HB 3459—Caldwell—Electoral College—Watch
HB 3466—Grego—Taxation—Ag sales tax exemption—Watch
HB 3476—Stark—Taxation—Sales tax exemption; nonprofits—Watch
HB 3482—Martinez—Education grants—Creating the Digital Wallet Program Act—SUPPORT
HB 3511—Munson—Increases liability for wrongful convictions—Watch
HB 3526—Virgin—Taxation—Expanding EITC—Watch
HB 3529—Virgin—Taxation—Limiting capital gains deduction—OPPOSE
HB 3542—Caldwell (Chad)—Higher education—Student and Administration Equality Act; disciplinary proceedings—SUPPORT
HB 3543—Caldwell (Chad)—Higher education—First Amendment Training for Higher Education Administrators Act—Watch
HB 3621—Virgin—Taxation—Groceries sales tax exemption—Watch
HB 3622—Virgin—Taxation—Sales tax relief—Watch
HB 3635—Lepak—Taxation—Income tax cut trigger—Watch
HB 3637—Dempsey—Taxation—Timber sales tax exemption—Watch
HB 3643—Dills—Charter school authorizers—Watch
HB 3676—Wolfley—Superintendents—Limiting superintendent salaries—Watch
HB 3685—McDugle—Taxation—Groceries sales tax exemption—Watch
HB 3756—Johns—Education scholarships—Lowering household income for eligible student—OPPOSE
HB 3849—Boatman—Corporate income tax—Watch
HB 4012—Conley—Reviewing materials in public schools—Watch
HB 4013—Conley—Obscene materials—Watch
HB 4014—Conley—Permitting disclosure of certain public school records to parents—Watch
HB 4046—Boles—Taxation—Crypto mining exemption—Watch
HB 4196—Echols—Higher education—Watch
HB 4208—Echols—Virtual charter students—SUPPORT
HB 4318—Stearman—Parents Bill of Rights—Right to attend meetings pertaining to education of a minor child—SUPPORT
HB 4328—Stearman—Schools—Requiring all public school library media program material to be available for public inspection—SUPPORT
HB 4369—Hill—Discharge credits—Watch
HB 4387—Baker—Teacher quality—Watch
HB 4388—Baker—Teacher quality—Watch
HB 4389—Baker—Computer science in public schools—Watch
HJR 1031—Caldwell (Chad)—Oklahoma Constitution—Only citizens who are state residents can vote, including for presidential electors—SUPPORT
HJR 1052—O’Donnell—Oklahoma Constitution—Include fiscal impact—Watch
HJR 1060—Kannady—Oklahoma Constitution—Oklahoma Damage Cap Reform Act—Watch
HJR 1063—Wallace—Oklahoma Constitution—Oklahoma Justices and Judges Modernization Act—Watch