OCPA Legislative Scorecard: Watch List

Law & Principles

Staff | February 13, 2024

OCPA Legislative Scorecard: Watch List


[This list was updated on April 8, 2024.]

Below is a list of bills that are eligible to be included on the OCPA Legislative Scorecard for the 2024 legislative session.

The scorecard is an effort to inform Oklahoma citizens how their state legislators vote at the state Capitol on issues related to free markets, limited government, individual initiative, personal responsibility, and strong families. OCPA will periodically update this watch list with additional bills as the session progresses. This watch list, as well as subsequent updates, will be emailed to every legislator and posted on OCPA’s website.

A bill’s presence on the watch list does not guarantee that it will be included on the scorecard, but a bill on the watch list is eligible to be added to the scorecard at any time. Subject to the fluidity of the legislative process, OCPA will strive to add a given bill to the watch list prior to that bill being voted on.


SB 1xxx (Sen. Micheal Bergstrom)
Personal income tax elimination
OCPA position: Support

SB 99 (Sen. Julie Daniels)
School employee payroll deductions; requiring authorization for certain dues and political contributions
OCPA position: Support

SB 131 (Sen. Cody Rogers)
Strengthening the Parents' Bill of Rights; providing for civil action
OCPA position: Support

SB 244 (Sen. Ally Seifried)
Moving school district elections to November
OCPA position: Support

SB 251 (Sen. Nathan Dahm)
Limiting permissible applications of the terms “gender” or “sex”
OCPA position: Support

SB 289 (Sen. Dana Prieto)
Moving school district elections to November
OCPA position: Support

SB 325 (Sen. Julie Daniels)
Provides for speedier trials in criminal cases
OCPA position: Support

SB 339 (Sen. Cody Rogers)
Moving municipal bond elections and school bond elections to November
OCPA position: Support 

SB 358 (Sen. Julie Daniels)
Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarship program; removing requirement for prior school-year attendance
OCPA position: Support

SB 430 (Sen. Carri Hicks)
Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarship program; requiring administration of certain assessments
OCPA position: Oppose

SB 872 (Sen. David Bullard)
Prohibiting certain materials containing certain depictions or descriptions from certain library or school premises
OCPA position: Support

SB 928 (Sen. Shane Jett)
Prohibiting public schools after a certain date from recognizing certain collective bargaining units
OCPA position: Support

SB 932(Sen. Shane Jett)
Prohibiting certain employees, volunteers, and contractors from using certain names or pronouns without written consent
OCPA position: Support

SB 1100 (Sen. Paul Rosino)
Modifying elements of certain offenses related to bullying and harassment
OCPA position: Watch

SB 1104 (Sen. Nathan Dahm)
School district elections; modifying permissible dates for certain elections; modifying dates for filing for certain office
OCPA position: Support

SB 1108 (Sen. Nathan Dahm)
Oklahoma Open Meeting Act; adding Judicial Nominating Commission to definition of public body; establishing purposes for permissible executive sessions
OCPA position: Support

SB 1208 (Sen. Warren Hamilton)
Inappropriate materials in public schools and charter schools
OCPA position: Support

SB 1217 (Sen. Micheal Bergstrom) 
Creates a division within the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency to evaluate rules and provide a report to the Legislature
OCPA position: Support

SB 1303 (Sen. Rob Standridge)
Diversity, equity and inclusion in higher education
OCPA position: Support

SB 1304 (Sen. Rob Standridge)
Creating the Oklahoma Workforce Education Revolving Fund
OCPA position: Support

SB 1305 (Sen. Rob Standridge)
Prohibiting an institution of higher education from requiring, soliciting, or incentivizing participation in certain practices
OCPA position: Support

SB 1306 (Sen. Rob Standridge)
Prohibiting an institution of higher education from requiring enrollment in certain courses
OCPA position: Support

SB 1321 (Sen. Ally Seifried)
Directing the State Board of Education to establish a three-year pilot program to incentivize phone-free spaces for students in public schools
OCPA position: Support

SB 1350 (Sen. Micheal Bergstrom)
Clarifying that Oklahoma’s Parental Choice Tax Credit does not constitute taxable income
OCPA position: Support

SB 1358 (Sen. Adam Pugh)
Creating the Workforce Development Revolving Fund
OCPA position: Support

SB 1359 (Sen. Adam Pugh)
Prohibiting tuition and fee rates at certain institutions of higher education from exceeding rates of certain academic year
OCPA position: Support

SB 1374 (Sen. Nathan Dahm)
Requiring absentee ballot to contain certain watermark
OCPA position: Support

SB 1381 (Sen. Darcy Jech)
Directing assessments be administered to students who attend certain private schools and for whom the Parental Choice Tax Credit was claimed
OCPA position: Strongly Oppose

SB 1405 (Sen. Chuck Hall)
Adding contributions to certain higher education institutions, but not others, for eligibility for tax credit pursuant to the Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education program
OCPA position: Strongly Concerned

SB 1414 (Sen. George Burns)
Requiring proof of identity for voting purposes to include a photograph; requiring development of certain voter registration card
OCPA position: Support

SB 1447 (Sen. Kristen Thompson)
Creating the Oklahoma Office of Economic Development, Growth and Expansion
OCPA position: Watch

SB 1448 (Sen. Kristen Thompson)
Making an appropriation of $698,000,000 for certain economic development purposes
OCPA position: Watch

SB 1450 (Sen. Greg Treat)
Modifying criminal enhancements
OCPA position: Strongly Concerned

SB 1470 (Sen. Greg Treat)
Allows courts to consider domestic abuse as a mitigating factor at sentencing
OCPA position: Support

SB 1477 (Sen. Greg Treat)
Modifying procedures for the Parental Choice Tax Credit
OCPA position: Support

SB 1513 (Sen. Julie Daniels)
Prohibiting a public school district from taking certain actions with regard to professional educators’ associations
OCPA position: Support

SB 1515 (Sen. George Burns)
Authorizing the secretary of a county election board to utilize certain technology for certain purpose
OCPA position: Watch

SB 1517 (Sen. Roger Thompson)
Creating the Oklahoma Museum of Popular Culture Supplemental Revolving Fund
OCPA position: Oppose

SB 1523 (Sen. Julie Daniels)
Tort reform, prohibits recommending a dollar amount for noneconomic damages in personal injury cases
OCPA position: Support

SB 1530 (Sen. Jessica Garvin)
Creating the Women’s Bill of Rights, authorizing distinctions for certain purposes
OCPA position: Support

SB 1558 (Sen. Adam Pugh)
Creating the Learn Everywhere Act to allow students extended learning opportunities
OCPA position: Support

SB 1563 (Sen. Dana Prieto)
Modifying rights and procedures under the Parents’ Bill of Rights, requiring written consent to provide certain instruction
OCPA position: Support

SB 1610 (Sen. Julie Daniels)
Prohibition of certain voting systems, prohibition of ranked-choice voting
OCPA position: Support

SB 1612 (Sen. Julia Kirt)
Requiring certain legislative measures to use gender-neutral language
OCPA position: Oppose

SB 1623 (Sen. Ally Seifried)
Prohibiting a school district from taking certain actions with regard to professional educators’ associations
OCPA position: Support

SB 1625 (Sen. Ally Seifried)
Prohibiting school districts from making payroll deductions for certain purposes
OCPA position: Support

SB 1649 (Sen. Todd Gollihare)
Appears to greatly expand the power of the Attorney General’s office
OCPA position: Watch

SB 1677 (Sen. Julie Daniels)
Prohibiting certain actions by the Department of Human Services regarding prospective foster or adoptive parents
OCPA position: Support

SB 1683 (Sen. Nathan Dahm)
Prohibiting certain institutions of higher education from accepting certain funds from a foreign government
OCPA position: Support

SB 1710 (Sen. Darrell Weaver)
Enhancing the scope of protective orders in certain instances
OCPA position: Strongly Concerned

SB 1731 (Sen. Nathan Dahm)
Limiting permissible applications of specified term or definition
OCPA position: Support

SB 1768 (Sen. Kristen Thompson)
Allowing a school district or charter school to include emergency virtual days in its school year policy
OCPA position: Support

SB 1770 (Sen. Adam Pugh)
Clean Slate cleanup language; criminal justice reform
OCPA position: Support

SB 1880 (Sen. David Bullard)
Prohibiting a school district or charter school from compelling use of certain pronoun
OCPA position: Support

SB 1881 (Sen. David Bullard)
Requiring school districts and charter schools to disclose certain information regarding lesson plans, instructional materials and training
OCPA position: Support

SB 1891 (Sen. Rob Standridge)
Prohibiting state agency or court from changing or recognizing certain change without specified test
OCPA position: Support

SB 1905 (Sen. Adam Pugh)
Directing certain training in the science of reading
OCPA position: Support

SB 1906 (Sen. Adam Pugh)
The Strong Readers Act, removing language prohibiting automatic promotion of certain students
OCPA position: Support

SB 1960 (Sen. Shane Jett)
Material harmful to minors, requiring certain age verification
OCPA position: Support

SB 1991 (Sen. Shane Jett)
Prohibiting state or political subdivisions from enacting certain voting method
OCPA position: Support

SB 2001 (Sen. Bill Coleman)
Allows licensed employees to sample alcoholic beverages under certain circumstances
OCPA position: Support

SB 2003 (Sen. Jessica Garvin)
Requires court to enter a scheduling order
OCPA position: Watch

SB 2007 (Sen. Nathan Dahm)
Authorizing additional ad valorem tax exemption for households with dependents who are homeschooled
OCPA position: Support

SB 2031 (Sen. Dusty Deevers)
Modifying income tax rate
OCPA position: Support

SJR 18 (Sen. Nathan Dahm)
Elimination of Judicial Nominating Commission, replacing it with the U.S. Constitution’s method for choosing Supreme Court justices
OCPA position: Support

SJR 28 (Sen. Greg Treat)
Elimination of Judicial Nominating Commission, replacing it with the U.S. Constitution’s method for choosing Supreme Court justices
OCPA position: Support

SJR 29 (Sen. David Bullard)
Elimination of Judicial Nominating Commission, replacing it with the U.S. Constitution’s method for choosing Supreme Court justices
OCPA position: Support

SJR 34 (Sen. Julie Daniels)
Elimination of Judicial Nominating Commission, replacing it with the U.S. Constitution’s method for choosing Supreme Court justices
OCPA position: Support

House of Representatives 

HB 1341 (Rep. Jacob Rosecrants)
Subjecting private schools which accept state funds to the same laws, rules, regulations, and mandates prescribed for public schools
OCPA position: Oppose

HB 1905 (Rep. Andy Fugate)
Prohibiting certain private schools from using state funds for religious instruction or activities
OCPA position: Oppose

HB 1906 (Rep. Andy Fugate)
Requiring Oklahoma Tax Commission to publish certain taxpayer information online
OCPA position: Oppose

HB 1953 (Speaker Charles McCall)
Providing for income tax cuts of .25%
OCPA position: Support

HB 1954 (Speaker Charles McCall)
Providing for income tax cuts of .5%
OCPA position: Support

HB 1991 (Rep. Mickey Dollens)
Authorizing an income tax credit for apprenticeships
OCPA position: Watch

HB 2021 (Rep. Max Wolfley)
Creating a flat 4.75% income tax
OCPA position: Support

HB 2087 (Rep. Jon Echols)
Reduces personal income tax rate to 4.5% and then 4.25%
OCPA position: Support

HB 2318 (Rep. Mark McBride)
Adding contributions to certain higher education institutions, but not others, for eligibility for tax credit pursuant to the Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education program
OCPA position: Strongly Concerned

HB 2854 (Rep. Kevin Wallace)
Rolling back previous public sector pension reforms
OCPA position: Oppose

HB 2948 (Rep. Charles McCall
Corporate income tax phaseout over five years
OCPA position: Watch

HB 2949 (Rep. Charles McCall)
Flat rate 4.25% personal income tax effective Jan. 1, 2024
OCPA position: Support

HB 2950 (Rep. Charles McCall)
Personal income tax decrease of 0.25% effective Jan. 1, 2024, and following tax years
OCPA position: Support

HB 2951 (Rep. Charles McCall)
Personal income tax decrease of 0.25% in 2024 and 2025, with rate to restore to current level in 2026
OCPA position: Watch

HB 2952 (Rep. Charles McCall)
Personal income tax decrease of 0.50% in 2024 and 2025, with rate to restore to current level in 2026
OCPA position: Watch

HB 2962 (Rep. Jim Olsen)
Requiring display of Ten Commandments in public school classrooms
OCPA position: Support

HB 2967 (Rep. Tom Gann)
The Defending the Integrity of the Appropriations Process and the Verbal Earmarks Transparency Act
OCPA position: Support

HB 3026 (Rep. Cody Maynard)
Prohibiting state agencies and political subdivisions from using appropriated money to employ or contract with a lobbyist
OCPA position: Support

HB 3037 (Rep. Preston Stinson)
Expands expungement criteria and restores gun rights to individuals receiving expungements
OCPA position: Support

HB 3067 (Rep. Chris Banning)
Prohibiting state contracts with certain companies
OCPA position: Support

HB 3073 (Rep. Neil Hays)
Creates a new crime with potential First Amendment issues
OCPA position: Watch

HB 3076 (Rep. Neil Hays)
Eases some restrictions by the state’s Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission on restaurants
OCPA position: Support

HB 3086 (Rep. Justin Humphrey)
Requiring certain governing board candidates and members to be citizens of the United States
OCPA position: Support

HB 3096 (Rep. Toni Hasenbeck)
Prohibiting school districts from requiring employees to meet or interact with employee organization
OCPA position: Support

HB 3097 (Rep. Toni Hasenbeck)
Making commercial entities liable for publishing or distributing obscene material on the Internet; providing age verification
OCPA position: Support

HB 3109 (Rep. Tom Gann)
Prohibits data collected by license plate readers to be used for anything other than compulsory insurance law
OCPA position: Support

HB 3112 (Rep. Tom Gann)
Prohibiting schools from receiving financial donations or gifts from certain countries
OCPA position: Support

HB 3135 (Rep. Justin Humphrey)
Prohibiting public funds from being used to promote, encourage or provide instruction on certain topics
OCPA position: Support

HB 3156 (Rep. Eric Roberts)
Prohibiting the use of ranked-choice voting
OCPA position: Support

HB 3266 (Rep. Max Wolfley)
Public employee pension system adjustments
OCPA position: Watch

HB 3269 (Rep. Max Wolfley)
Prorating the Parental Choice Tax Credit
OCPA position: Watch

HB 3325 (Rep. Clay Staires)
Declaring only U.S. citizens are entitled to become registered voters in Oklahoma
OCPA position: Support

HB 3387 (Rep. Charles McCall)
Exempting certain eligible taxpayers from providing additional income verification in order to utilize the Parental Choice Tax Credit
OCPA position: Support

HB 3388 (Rep. Charles McCall)
Modifying procedures for the application process for the Parental Choice Tax Credit
OCPA position: Support

HB 3396 (Rep. Charles McCall)
Declaring exempt from taxable income any amount refunded pursuant to the Parental Choice Tax Credit
OCPA position: Support

HB 3461 (Rep. Anthony Moore)
Requiring sufficient appropriation to provide school breakfast and lunch at no cost to all children in every public school district in Oklahoma
OCPA position: Oppose

HB 3498 (Rep. Tammy West)
Reduces installment plans when an individual is paying fines and fees in multiple counties
OCPA position: Support

HB 3563 (Rep. Chris Banning)
Modifying dates for school board elections
OCPA position: Support

HB 3585 (Rep. Judd Strom)
Directing student assessments to be administered to certain private school and homeschool students
OCPA position: Strongly Oppose

HB 3592 (Rep. Brian Hill)
Prohibiting ranked-choice voting in Oklahoma elections
OCPA position: Support

HB 3633 (Rep. Kevin McDugle)
Creates two alternate positions on the Pardon and Parole Board for when members recuse (appointed by Senate and House leadership)
OCPA position: Support

HB 3837 (Rep. Ajay Pittman)
Extending eligibility in the Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarship program to children of incarcerated parents
OCPA position: Support

HB 3841 (Rep. Ajay Pittman)
Requiring infertility insurance coverage for certain care
OCPA position: Watch

HB 3911 (Rep. Chad Caldwell)
Modifying credit amounts, cap amount, school years, priority and procedures for the Parental Choice Tax Credit
OCPA position: Support

HB 3913 (Rep. Chad Caldwell)
Establishing grants to incentivize phone-free spaces for students in public schools
OCPA position: Support

HB 3920 (Rep. Chad Caldwell)
Creating the Educators’ Professional Liability Insurance Program
OCPA position: Support

HB 3944 (Rep. Melissa Provenzano)
Parental Choice Tax Credit requiring certain taxpayers and private schools to submit an annual report to the Tax Commission
OCPA position: Strongly Oppose

HB 3945 (Rep. Melissa Provenzano)
Parental Choice Tax Credit; placing new restrictions and regulations on the program
OCPA position: Strongly Oppose

HB 3968 (Rep. Jon Echols)
Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarship; deleting eligibility requirement that a special-needs student attend public school prior to applying
OCPA position: Support

HB 4130 (Rep. Amanda Swope)
Creates background check requirements and other restrictions on parents who homeschool their children
OCPA position: Strongly Oppose

HB 4145 (Rep. Mauree Turner)
Identification, permits, gender evidence
OCPA position: Oppose

HJR 1041 (Rep. Mark Lepak)
Repeal the Judicial Nominating Commission
OCPA position: Support

HJR 1048 (Rep. Eric Roberts)
Modifying requirements for initiative petitions
OCPA position: Watch


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