Law & Principles
Jonathan Small, Trent England & Ryan Haynie | March 14, 2023
Support for driver's license bill makes sense
Jonathan Small, Trent England & Ryan Haynie
Conservatives understand that we live in an imperfect world, full of imperfect people. Therefore good public policy addresses the world as it is, not as we’d like it to be. The federal government has failed, for decades, to secure our nation's borders and enforce immigration laws. The consequence is that there are millions of people living in these United States as illegal aliens. State officials are left to pick up the pieces.
To do that, lawmakers in the Oklahoma House and Senate have introduced HB2114 and SB669, which would create a way for people who file taxes but are illegal aliens to receive an Oklahoma driver's license. This is not, of course, the way things should work in any nation with the rule of law. Yet we take the world as it is, with the federal government having failed, leaving us to deal with the consequences. On balance, it makes the most sense to allow this particular group of illegal aliens to possess an Oklahoma driver's license.
These driver's licenses could be issued for four years only (not the eight possible for everyone else). The fees are slightly higher, but the process would be the same, except for two important safeguards. These licenses would clearly indicate that they are issued to non-residents, so that they could not be used as supposed proof of citizenship or otherwise legal residency. They would also be reported to voter registration officials.
This last protection is critical to safeguarding our elections, and would actually improve the voter lists. This is because all the data would be provided to election officials. For the first time, they would have some data on non-citizens living in Oklahoma, and could ensure that none of those people are on the voter list. OCPA, as an organization on the front lines of protecting voter integrity, the Electoral College, and fighting against rank choice voting, assisted lawmakers in drafting this provision because safeguarding our elections is the foundation on which all policymaking rests.
As mentioned above, these bills do not allow just any illegal alien to receive a driver's license, but only those who have filed taxes. In other words, these are likely people who are employed. In many cases, they are mothers and fathers, and some have lived in our communities for decades. Some have fled communist dictatorships and other failed states, truly hoping for a better life, only to be entangled in the bureaucratic absurdity of our nation’s immigration policies.
The reality is that these people are already driving on our roads. There is little state and local officials can do about that. State lawmakers can, however, let those people obtain insurance, in order to protect the rest of us. They can make it easier for them to pay the same fees and taxes the rest of us pay, so long as they are here.
Americans should be angry about the failures of politicians in Washington, D.C., to defend our country and to establish workable immigration policies that advance our national interest. At the same time, we should enact workable public policies at the state level that deal with the problems created by those failures. These bills do that, with important checks and balances.

Jonathan Small
Jonathan Small, C.P.A., serves as President and joined the staff in December of 2010. Previously, Jonathan served as a budget analyst for the Oklahoma Office of State Finance, as a fiscal policy analyst and research analyst for the Oklahoma House of Representatives, and as director of government affairs for the Oklahoma Insurance Department. Small’s work includes co-authoring “Economics 101” with Dr. Arthur Laffer and Dr. Wayne Winegarden, and his policy expertise has been referenced by The Oklahoman, the Tulsa World, National Review, the L.A. Times, The Hill, the Wall Street Journal and the Huffington Post. His weekly column “Free Market Friday” is published by the Journal Record and syndicated in 27 markets. A recipient of the American Legislative Exchange Council’s prestigious Private Sector Member of the Year award, Small is nationally recognized for his work to promote free markets, limited government and innovative public policy reforms. Jonathan holds a B.A. in Accounting from the University of Central Oklahoma and is a Certified Public Accountant.

Trent England
David and Ann Brown Distinguished Fellow
Trent England is the David and Ann Brown Distinguished Fellow at the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, where he previously served as executive vice president. He is also the founder and executive director of Save Our States, which educates Americans about the importance of the Electoral College. England is a producer of the feature-length documentary “Safeguard: An Electoral College Story.” He has appeared three times on Fox & Friends and is a frequent guest on media programs from coast to coast. He is the author of Why We Must Defend the Electoral College and a contributor to The Heritage Guide to the Constitution and One Nation Under Arrest: How Crazy Laws, Rogue Prosecutors, and Activist Judges Threaten Your Liberty. His writing has also appeared in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Times, Hillsdale College's Imprimis speech digest, and other publications. Trent formerly hosted morning drive-time radio in Oklahoma City and has filled for various radio hosts including Ben Shapiro. A former legal policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation, he holds a law degree from The George Mason University School of Law and a bachelor of arts in government from Claremont McKenna College.

Ryan Haynie
Criminal Justice Reform Fellow
Ryan Haynie serves as the Criminal Justice Reform Fellow for the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs. Prior to joining OCPA, he practiced law in Oklahoma City. His work included representing the criminally accused in state and federal courts. Ryan is active in the Federalist Society, serving as the Programming Director for the Oklahoma City Lawyer’s Chapter. He holds a B.B.A. from the University of Oklahoma and a J.D. from the University of Oklahoma College of Law. He and his wife, Jaclyn, live in Oklahoma City with their three children.