| December 13, 2013

Dr. Smith Goes to Washington

As I reported at Watchdog.org earlier this month (“Dr. Smith goes to Washington: Oklahoma doctor gains national prominence supporting free market”), Dr. G. Keith Smith appeared Dec. 2 on Bill O’Reilly’s show on Fox News, though his opposition to the Affordable Care Act is just one of the reasons.

Smith founded the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, which has garnered rave reviews and sympathetic news stories in the regional and national news media, including in Oklahoma’s largest newspaper. He now regularly testifies before Congress.

Since the early 1990s, Smith and his colleagues have rebuffed not only federal health care funding but also most “Big Insurance” requirements. The center is thriving as a model for affordable, market-oriented, cash-basis health care. Further, the facility’s physicians and staff share a commitment to provide reduced-cost or pro bono care for people who need it.

Dr. Smith has become a “go-to” guy for analysts, regardless of philosophy, who want a thoughtful market-oriented critique of the current and emerging state of American health-care delivery.

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