| February 8, 2019

Hope's Story

"Hope has attended Happy Hands since she was a baby and will graduate this year. She is hard of hearing but has had a lot more challenges than just hearing loss.

"She had a feeding tube. She would sometimes stop breathing, which was really, really challenging. But just from being here as an infant until now, her hearing has gotten better because of her ear tubes. She’s gone through three sets of tubes.

"Because of being at Happy Hands, I now know all of the things to discuss with an audiologist, and so now, we’re looking at a hearing aid device for her. It’s great that we’ve been here. Even though she has a hard time signing, because of her fine motor challenges, she can understand.

"The scholarship Hope receives through the Opportunity Scholarship Fund relieves the stress on our family. Working at Happy Hands, I know how much goes into providing all of the services. When you see the tuition numbers on paper you’re like, 'I’m not gonna be able to afford that.' To have this scholarship, it’s just been an awesome blessing."

Valarie & Hope C.
Happy Hands Education Center

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