| July 21, 2010

My experience at Eagle Forum

This past weekend, I went to the Eagle Forum Collegian Summit in Washington, D.C. Once in Washington, I had a fantastic time. At the Summit, I heard from many great conservatives in Congress: Sen. Jim DeMint, Sen. Jim Inhofe, Rep. Paul Ryan, Rep. Michelle Bachmann, and many others. One of my favorite parts of the conference was the student panels. It was extremely encouraging to learn that many conservative college students were active on campuses. My fellow students gave me some ideas about campus activism for the fall. Finally, another enjoyable activity was traveling around our nation’s capital. At night, as I looked across the Potomac, I saw the reflections of the Washington Memorial and Jefferson Memorial. This strengthened my resolve to stand up and fight for the principles of our founding. To watch my speech on C-SPAN, scroll to 1:35:18.

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