Health Care

| September 22, 2016

OCPA helps teachers, state employees and taxpayers save millions on health care

Thanks to a program the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs recommended in 2015, teachers and other state employees now have the option to take advantange of free-market options in health care. As a results of state Rep. Glen Mulready's and state Sen. Greg Treat's efforts last year, this program is now a reality for 180,000 Oklahomans. And Oklahoma taxpayers will see significant savings.

Under the HealthChoice Select program, teachers and other state employees are expected to save $30 million a year in out-of-pocket medical expenses. Furthermore, the program is expected to save taxpayers $200 million annually.

How is this possible? Ali Meyer on KFOR recently ran a story explaining this new program, which offers patients bundled bills and price transparency on various medical services. In some cases, the savings from the bundled bills are so much that state employees and teachers pay nothing out-of-pocket for certain medical expenses. More than 50 facilities across the state are participating in the program.

News of the program’s success reminds Oklahomans that free markets work and that OCPA remains committed to providing the state with cost-effective solutions for the benefit of all Oklahomans.

For more information about OCPA’s work on health care, check out our health freedom policy center.

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