Culture & the Family , Good Government

Michael Carnuccio | July 16, 2015

Free Market Friday: Helping the most vulnerable

Michael Carnuccio

The miracle of new life has come to the Carnuccio home this week. On Monday, my wife and our two sons were blessed with the newest addition to our family, a daughter. My daughter’s birth has inspired me to double-down on that which matters most and defines the family values and beliefs we hold dear.

As I think about what will make opportunity for all children most likely, it strikes me as easily recognizable. See, just as newborn daughters are generally accompanied by lots of pink; values, compassion and soul characterize the true heart of a conservative.

The day after my daughter was born, New York Times best-selling author Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, released his latest book, The Conservative Heart. In his latest book, Brooks provides the road map for a “fairer, happier and more prosperous America.” Needless to say, that vision is desperately needed and many, including myself and my colleagues, are noticing that the book’s themes resonate with exactly how we feel.

In reflection on his latest book, Brooks says “Look around the country today. It’s no secret that the deck is stacked against poor and struggling Americans. Yet around the world, American-style trade, free enterprise and entrepreneurship have lifted billions out of poverty. But right here at home, the policymakers who stand for those things are the least trusted to fight for vulnerable people. That has to change.”

Brooks has stated that he “wants to start a social movement, so that we can do for this nation what America has done for the world, lift up the least of these our brothers and sisters.”

Like Brooks, millions of us who believe in trade, free enterprise and entrepreneurship do so first because of its stellar track record with helping those who are most vulnerable and desperately need it. However, unfortunately, we are not characterized publicly by that concern, though written on our hearts.

I wholeheartedly agree with Brooks, it’s time for those with the best solutions to help the most vulnerable live a sustained life – to lead from our heart for them and their needs. The futures of millions of Americans, including children like the baby I now hold in my arms, are desperately depending upon it.

Michael Carnuccio

Former OCPA President

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