| November 29, 2010

OSU prof: Entrepreneurs can revolutionize higher ed

Vance H. Fried, the Riata Professor of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University, has written an excellent new book called Better/Cheaper College: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Rescuing the Undergraduate Education Industry.

From the back cover: "Several excellent books have been written about higher education in recent years, so why read this one? This book is different in that it takes an entrepreneurial perspective. Where other books see an industry with huge problems, this book sees an industry with huge opportunities. Where other books propose ways to tweak the existing higher education business model, this book proposes innovative business models to revolutionize the industry. Where other books look to the education establishment to lead change, this book looks to the entrepreneur to drive change. Where other books are aimed at slowing the rate of growth in tuition, this book advocates a radical reduction."

I highly recommend the book.

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