OCPA calls for renegotiating tobacco compacts

Law & Principles

Staff | May 16, 2023

OCPA calls for renegotiating tobacco compacts


OKLAHOMA CITY (May 16, 2023)—Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs President Jonathan Small today said state-tribal compacts that are set to soon expire should be renegotiated to maximize state benefit and transparency.

“In the last days of the legislative session, it makes no sense to simply renew compacts without any effort to maximize the benefit to all Oklahoma taxpayers, and officials should also work to improve transparency regarding the use of tobacco taxes by all entities involved,” Small said.

Oklahoma law states, “The Governor is authorized to negotiate and enter into cooperative agreements on behalf of this state with federally recognized Indian tribal governments within this state to address issues of mutual interest.”

“If new tobacco compacts are advanced without the governor’s involvement, it will lead to litigation and legal uncertainty that benefits no one,” Small said. “This is a bad deal for Oklahomans.”

The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs is a free-market think tank that works to advance principles and policies that support free enterprise, limited government, individual initiative, and personal responsibility.



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