OCPA Praises House lawmakers for passing compromise education plan


Staff | April 26, 2023

OCPA Praises House lawmakers for passing compromise education plan


OKLAHOMA CITY (April 26, 2023)— Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs President Jonathan Small issued the following statement today on House lawmakers advancing the compromise education plan.

“The Oklahoma House of Representatives is to be commended for getting through its conference committee today a compromise education reform package that is a positively transformational school choice expansion, graduated teacher pay raises, additional formula funding and innovative operational funding for public schools. The legislation today represents a clear compromise that includes significant priorities and concessions by the original House and Senate plans and is in line with the compromise outlined by the Governor.

“We encourage Oklahomans to thank members of the House of Representatives who supported the entirety of the compromise today and contact your state representative and state senator to pass the entirety of the legislation in the Senate conference committee and in votes on the House and Senate Floor so it can be signed into law by the Governor.”

The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs is a free-market think tank that works to advance principles and policies that support free enterprise, limited government, individual initiative and personal responsibility.



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