Budget & Tax

OCPA praises leaders on tax-cut issue

Staff | October 3, 2023

OKLAHOMA CITY (October 3, 2023) — Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA) President Jonathan Small today praised state leaders who are championing economic growth and greater prosperity for Oklahoma families by supporting income-tax cuts.

“Governor Kevin Stitt, House Speaker Charles McCall, State Treasurer Todd Russ, and other policymakers showed true leadership today by advocating for well-deserved tax relief for Oklahomans,” Small said. “The state income tax is a penalty on work and investment. Given the significant challenges of the Biden economy, Oklahoma families need greater control of their financial destiny, and cutting the income tax provides them that power. The best way to help people prepare for future uncertainty is to give them back their money, which promotes economic growth.”

According to a recent survey conducted by WPA Intelligence (WPAi) on behalf of OCPA and Americans for Prosperity, 65% of Oklahoma voters support cutting the state income tax, and 67% of voters support the full elimination of Oklahoma’s income tax over time.


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