OCPA President files complaint against Rep. Anthony Moore

Law & Principles

Staff | July 8, 2022

OCPA President files complaint against Rep. Anthony Moore


Jonathan Small, president of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, today filed a complaint with the Oklahoma State Bar Association against Rep. Anthony Moore, an attorney and former prosecutor. The complaint shows the blatant legal flaws in the protective orders that Moore admits assisting his spouse to file against Small and other OCPA staff members. Moore, as an attorney and former prosecutor, knows the law and is bound by the rules of legal ethics not to abuse the judicial process for his own political purposes.

Regarding the complaint, Small made the following comments:

“There never were any grounds, legal or factual, for these protective orders. This was a political ploy by Moore to bully his critics and position himself as a victim before his election. He is entitled to his opinions and his freedom of speech, but he has no right to abuse legal processes. As an attorney, he is bound by the Rules of Professional Conduct.

“The Oklahoma State Bar Association should hold Moore accountable. If it finds that he misled the court or committed any crimes, his ability to practice law in our state should be over.”

The bar complaint stems from protective orders filed shortly before the primary election and then dismissed at the Moores’ request immediately after the election and prior to a court hearing.

Small’s bar complaint: Anthony Moore Complaint Form

Further details: Moore drops abusive protective orders

OCPA and its staff continue to consider additional legal options to remedy this abuse.

The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA) is a free-market think tank that works to promote the flourishing of the people of Oklahoma by advancing principles and policies that support free enterprise, limited government, individual initiative, and personal responsibility.


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