Budget & Tax

| February 13, 2017

OCPA Statement on Cigarette Tax Passing A&B Committee

OCPA Statement on Cigarette Tax Passing A&B Committee

After the House Appropriations & Budget Committee today passed House Bill 1841, a massive tax increase on cigarettes, OCPA President Jonathan Small made the following statement.

“It’s disappointing that today the House A&B Committee took the first step in adopting Gov. Fallin’s proposed $2 billion tax increase package by passing HB1841. This 145 percent increase in cigarette taxes is a cynical attempt to grow government on the backs of Oklahoma families.

“It’s a false choice to suggest the only way to balance the budget is to raise the cost of living and doing business in Oklahoma. There are still numerous spending reforms available to right-size government and fund core state services. The state could save hundreds of millions of dollars and prevent damaging tax increases on Oklahomans if it was to end unnecessary wind subsidies, implement Medicaid reforms, cut administrative waste in higher education, and fully implement state and education employee health insurance reforms.

“OCPA continues working to pursue and accelerate these reforms for the sake of all Oklahomans, and especially our most vulnerable citizens.”

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