Culture & the Family
Staff | April 22, 2020
Petition to reopen Oklahoma reaches 10,000 signatures
Contact: Sheridan Betts
Phone: (405) 724-2464
Petition to reopen Oklahoma reaches 10,000 signatures
OKLAHOMA CITY (April 22, 2020) — Less than a week after launching, a citizen petition that calls for the state to begin reopening by May 1 has amassed over 10,000 signatures. The petition calls on state and local government officials to reopen the state while encouraging sensible health precautions.
Officials from both the medical industry and state government confirm that Oklahoma’s health care system is now prepared to handle the expected peak of COVID-19 hospitalizations with little problem.
“It is time to begin safely reopening Oklahoma,” said Jonathan Small, president of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA), a free-market think tank. “For tens of thousands of Oklahomans, their lives, health and livelihoods have already been negatively impacted by the government-ordered shutdowns. We must allow Oklahomans to safely return to work so that they can provide for their families and seek the medical care they need.
“While we are encouraged by these initial 10,000 signatures after such a short time, we realize this is just the beginning. We encourage Oklahomans to continue signing the petition to let state and local officials know that Oklahoma is ready to begin reopening. Working Oklahoma families’ lives, health, and livelihoods depend on reopening.” Small continued.
The petition and its signatures will be delivered to state and local officials— including the Governor, mayors, and lawmakers.
To view the petition, go to ReopenOklahoma.com.