| October 19, 2016
Statement from Brandon Dutcher On SoonerPoll Survey Showing Teachers Would Choose Varied Options for Their Own Children
Statement from Brandon Dutcher On SoonerPoll Survey Showing Teachers Would Choose Varied Options for Their Own Children
When asked what’s the best educational choice for their own children, one might expect near unanimity from teachers that a traditional public school is best. Not only for reasons of loyalty to one’s employer (Thunder employees don’t cheer for the Warriors), but because teachers are in the schools every day and have firsthand knowledge of school quality and safety. So it’s surprising—and perhaps somewhat telling—that nearly 4 in 10 teachers would choose a private school or homeschooling for their own children.
Oklahoma lawmakers should do what eight other states have done: enact an individual tax credit or deduction for approved educational expenses (including private school tuition and homeschooling). This would empower teachers—and indeed all Oklahoma parents—to make the best educational choice for their own children.