Health Care

| November 14, 2017

Statement from OCPA President Jonathan Small on TSET providing funds to DHS and ODMHSAS

Statement from OCPA President Jonathan Small on TSET Providing Funds to DHS and ODMHSAS

After the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET) Board of Directors voted Tuesday to provide funds for senior nutrition services at the Department of Human Services (DHS) and mobile mental health crisis teams for children through the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS), OCPA president Jonathan Small released the following statement:

“It’s encouraging to see TSET making healthier fiscal choices by shifting some spending back to its core mission of supporting the health of our most vulnerable citizens. I certainly hope this is a trend that continues. With more than $1 billion in the bank, investment earnings of about $40 million per year, and additional income of $50 million per year from the sale of cigarettes, it’s obvious TSET offers an opportunity to shore up core services.”

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