Good Government

| August 18, 2016

Real change begins at the state level

Boundaries are necessary in all areas of life. Clearly defined boundaries specify limits, roles, and create structure. When applied to the family, children stay within the boundaries set by their parents. In business, departments have defined roles outlined in the company’s strategic business plan. In a constitutional republic like the United States, the federal government and the states have boundaries outlined in the Constitution. When boundaries are observed, more can be accomplished and unity can be maintained.

The Framers of this great nation intended government to be based on the principles of federalism; that power is shared between the federal government and state government. It is our system of checks and balances that ensures accountability and separation of powers. Ronald Reagan said it best, “All of us need to be reminded that the federal government did not create the states; the states created the federal government.”

In my conversations with Oklahomans across the state, their main concerns are the erosion of liberty and the mounting national debt. Major national polls agree with them. It shows that on average, 65% of Americans feel the country is headed in the wrong direction. Unfortunately, as government grows, it exerts more power over the people and creates more regulations over businesses.

While many Americans are dissatisfied, we must remain optimistic Oklahomans. Let’s redirect our energy and get involved right here in our state by voting in every election.

Many of you voted this past June in the statewide primary elections. However, the candidates that did not acquire 50% of the vote, moved on to a runoff election. A total of 25 counties have a House District, State Senate, or a US Congressional race. The winner will be the party’s nominee and will appear on the November ballot.

Don’t forget to vote this Tuesday, Aug. 23rd. Early voting starts Thursday, Aug. 18th.

Visit this link for additional information on the August election.

Primary Runoff Elections by County





Alfalfa Senate Dist. 19 Ross Vanhooser Republican
Roland Pederson Republican
Caddo House Dist. 60 Rhonda Baker Republican
Chad Slane Republican
Canadian Senate Dist. 23 Matt Stacy Republican
Lonnie Paxton Republican
Comanche Senate Dist. 31 Toni Hasenbeck Republican
Chris Kidd Republican
Cotton Senate Dist. 31 Toni Hasenbeck Republican
Chris Kidd Republican
Garfield Senate Dist. 19 Ross Vanhooser Republican
Roland Pederson Republican
Garvin Senate Dist. 13 Jet McCoy Republican
Greg McCortney Republican
Grady Senate Dist. 23 Matt Stacy Republican
Lonnie Paxton Republican
Grant Senate Dist. 19 Ross Vanhooser Republican
Roland Pederson Republican
Hughes Senate Dist. 13 Jet McCoy Republican
Greg McCortney Republican
Jefferson Senate Dist. 31 Toni Hasenbeck Republican
Chris Kidd Republican
Kay Senate Dist. 19 Ross Vanhooser Republican
Roland Pederson Republican
Kingfisher Senate Dist. 23 Lonnie Paxton Republican
Matt Stacy Republican
Mayes State Rep. Dist. 8 Tom Gann Republican
Steven Dill Republican
Muskogee House Dist. 16 Ronnie Kell Democrat
Anna Dearmore Democrat
Oklahoma US Rep. Dist. 5 Al McAffrey Democrat
Tom Guild Democrat
Senate Dist. 41 Adam Pugh Republican
Paul Blair Republican
House Dist. 85 Matt Jackson Republican
Robyn Matthews Republican
House Dist. 97 Jason Lowe Democrat
Chris Harrison Democrat
Okmulgee House Dist. 16 Ronnie Kell Democrat
Anna Dearmore Democrat
Pontotoc Senate Dist. 13 Jet McCoy Republican
Greg McCortney Republican
Pottawatomie US Rep. Dist. 5 Al McAffrey Democrat
Tom Guild Democrat
Senate Dist. 13 Jet McCoy Republican
Greg McCortney Republican
Rogers House Dist. 8 Tom Gann Republican
Steven Dill Republican
Seminole US Rep. Dist. 5 Al McAffrey Democrat
Tom Guild Democrat
Senate Dist. 13 Jet McCoy Republican
Greg McCortney Republican
Stephens Senate Dist. 31 Toni Hasenbeck Republican
Chris Kidd Republican
Tillman Senate Dist. 31 Toni Hasenbeck Republican
Chris Kidd Republican
Tulsa Senate Dist. 25 Lisa Kramer Republican
Joe Newhouse Republican
Senate Dist. 39 Dave Rader Republican
Amanda Teegarden Republican
House Dist. 16 Ronnie Kell Democrat
Anna Dearmore Democrat
House Dist. 67 Scott McEachin Republican
Tom McCloud Republican
Wagner House Dist. 8 Tom Gann Republican
Steven Dill Republican
House Dist. 16 Ronnie Kell Democrat
Anna Dearmore Democrat

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