| November 22, 2010

SoonerPoll: Teachers unions the problem, not the solution

I'm thinking someone could have put that four million bucks to better use.

When Oklahoma's most powerful labor union replenishes its coffers, it might want to consider some sort of feel-good PR blitz. Because SoonerPoll recently asked Oklahomans, "Which view comes closer to your own: 'Teachers unions help make schools better' or 'Teachers unions are an obstacle that keeps schools from getting better'"? Results:

Teachers unions help make schools better ... 25%
Teachers unions are an obstacle that keeps schools from getting better ... 55%
Neutral / No opinion ... 20%
The survey of 518 likely Oklahoma voters was conducted November 5-11 using live telephone interviewers. The margin of error is ± 4.3%.

Only 14% of Oklahoma Republicans say teachers unions help make schools better, while 69% say they keep schools from getting better. Even among Democrats, only 33% say teachers unions help make schools better, while 45% say they keep schools from getting better. The unions are even under water among the somewhat liberal (31% to 50%), the very liberal (36% to 46%), and those who never attend religious services (24% to 58%). Talk about losing your base.

In sum, the teachers unions are more often viewed as part of the problem than part of the solution -- but only among men and women, young and old, rich and poor, married and single, highly educated and barely educated, religious and irreligious. And also among Republicans, Democrats, Independents, conservatives, liberals, and moderates. Oh, and also among those living in Tulsa, those living in Oklahoma City, and those living in the rest of the state.

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