Budget & Tax
| December 22, 2015
State's largest newspaper cites OCPA recommendations
The Oklahoman cited OCPA research and ideas in an editorial about how Oklahoma government can learn a thing or two from what our state's businesses and citizens already must do every day: rethink strategies and prioritize spending.
The free-market Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs has previously identified many ways legislators can save money. Those suggestions deserve serious consideration. For example, some regulatory agencies generate sufficient fees to operate without a state appropriation — yet they receive an appropriation anyway. Why provide $1.7 million to the Insurance Department if the agency doesn't need it?
Similarly, the Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission receives nearly $2 million in annual appropriations. Why not require it to self-fund through fees assessed on the industry it regulates, just as the Oklahoma Lottery Commission does?
The CareerTech system has facilities with significant local property tax bases that generate enough revenue to easily operate without state subsidies. Why continue appropriating millions to those sites?
Read the entire editorial here.