Hofmeister ducking bathroom issue; Legislature should act
Joy Hofmeister’s effort to prevent action on school-bathroom policies is an enormous failure of leadership. State lawmakers should step up to address the issue.Jonathan Small | April 27, 2022
House votes to bar union freeloading on state system
Teacher-union employees—who do not work in a school classroom—could no longer be counted as state employees under a bill passed by the Oklahoma House of Representatives.Ray Carter | April 27, 2022
Higher Education
College leaders duck question on OSU ‘drag queen story hour’
The Oklahoma State University Office of Multicultural Affairs recently announced it was hosting a “Drag Queen Story Hour” that was “geared towards ages 2-8.” For the most part, officials have adopted a “duck and cover” policy in response.Ray Carter | April 26, 2022
Law & Principles, Culture & the Family
Did state superintendent candidate violate reporting law?
As voters consider the campaign pitches of the five individuals seeking the office, their evaluations will include weighing whether one candidate—current Shawnee Superintendent April Grace—committed a crime by failing to report to law enforcement that a suspected pedophile was on her staff.Ray Carter | April 26, 2022
Good Government
Statesmen show up at Capitol
They say a statesman thinks of the next generation, not the next election. Oklahoma citizens owe a debt of gratitude to those statesmen who still serve in the Legislature and just gutted a self-dealing bill that would have enriched politicians while saddling Oklahoma taxpayers with greater debt.Jonathan Small | April 26, 2022
Hofmeister sends mixed messages on bathroom policy
A spokesperson for State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister now says transgender bathroom policies are subject to local control in public schools and not mandated by any court ruling, apparently contradicting a prior statement from Hofmeister’s office.Ray Carter | April 25, 2022
Indoctrination in public schools continues even after legislation
Rep. John Wills, Speaker Pro-Tempore in the Iowa House of Representatives, sent an update to his constituents with a reminder that legislation alone is not enough to prevent some extremists from using public schools as their own ideological training camps.Trent England | April 25, 2022
Higher Education
More discrimination at Oklahoma universities
Universities in Oklahoma continue to flout civil rights by running discriminatory programs or advertising discriminatory scholarships.Adam Kissel | April 25, 2022
Budget & Tax, Culture & the Family
An evaluation of LOFT’s report on Oklahoma’s state parks
LOFT’s report is a solid piece of work, but some key insights are missed or the report fails to stress them, and some of its recommendations are impractical or lack focus.Byron Schlomach, Ph.D. | April 22, 2022
Having school board elections on Election Day? Genius!
The special interests that run Oklahoma's government school monopoly for their own profit are opposed to having elections on Election Day.Greg Forster, Ph.D. | April 21, 2022