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Budget & Tax, Good Government
The answer to state government’s failures isn't more money
"In government, the prime way politicians, bureaucrats, and some advocates approach government is to throw your hard-earned money at it. The answer to state government's failures isn't more money—it's fiscally responsible governance."Tom Coburn | April 1, 2018
Budget & Tax, Good Government
Conservative leaders' open letter to policymakers
Policymakers must make the same difficult choices being made by the most vulnerable, by working Oklahoma families, and by small businesses and other job creators in Oklahoma.Larry Parman, Tom Coburn, Frank Keating | October 3, 2017
Budget & Tax
Updated statement from Dr. Tom Coburn, former U.S. Senator, on efforts to increase personal income taxes in Oklahoma
This week, House and Senate committees at the Oklahoma Legislature have passed multiple bills, including House Bill 2347 and House Bill 2403, which cap personal itemized deductions effective January 1, 2017. Dr. Tom Coburn has issued the following, updated statement regarding efforts to have one of these bills approved by the entire Legislature and sent to the Governor for approval.Tom Coburn | May 12, 2017
Budget & Tax
Statement from former U.S. Senator Dr. Tom Coburn on efforts to increase personal income taxes
Yesterday, the House and Senate Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget passed House Bill 2347, which caps personal itemized deductions effective January 1, 2017. Dr. Tom Coburn has issued the following statement regarding efforts to have the bill approved by the entire legislature and sent to the Governor for approval.Tom Coburn | May 10, 2017