Culture & the Family
Staff | March 8, 2022
OCPA mourns the passing of founder Dr. David Brown
The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA) mourns the passing of its founder and chairman emeritus Dr. David Brown, who died on March 2 at the age of 95.
Statement of OCPA chairman Larry Parman:
“Through his creation of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs in 1993, Dr. David Brown created a public policy voice for Oklahomans who believe that prosperity and personal well-being are best achieved through policies that encourage limited government, free markets, individual initiative, and personal responsibility. Dr. Brown always referred to those principles as True North. They remain the foundation of OCPA’s beliefs. Dr. Brown’s recent passing leaves an inspirational legacy. We mourn the loss of this OCPA architect. We honor the vision he cast through OCPA, his commitment to the principles of True North, and his unwavering loyalty to OCPA. We offer our condolences to Dr. Brown’s family. We hope God extends His healing hand and touches their hearts. Dr. Brown, your True North blueprint is strong. Your trustees and staff commit to see it endures.”
Statement of OCPA president Jonathan Small:
“It is impossible to overstate the centrality of Dr. David Brown and Ann Brown to the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs. Dr. and Mrs. Brown conceived of the organization, founded it, built it, and sustained it financially until it was able to survive on its own. Today OCPA is a thriving and influential policy organization—and our best days are ahead of us. It simply would not have happened without Dr. David Brown.”
Read more about Dr. Brown’s creation of OCPA here. Read Dr. Brown’s obituary here.