Hillsdale's Imprimis features Save Our States
Reaching over 4.5 million readers, Hillsdale's Imprimis speech digest recently featured Save Our States explaining "The Dangers of the Attacks on the Electoral College."
Save Our States on Fox & Friends
Oregon legislators refused to adopt National Popular Vote for a decade but now partisan sour grapes has pushed that state over the edge, as Save Our States director Trent England explained on Fox & Friends.
What is National Popular Vote?
In the aftermath of the 2000 presidential election, some Al Gore supporters determined to do away with the Electoral College. They called their plan, and the organization they created to push it, National Popular Vote.
The Electoral College protects Middle America
SOS Director Trent England writes in USA Today that the National Popular Vote interstate compact, if it takes effect, would mean “rural and small town Americans who supply our food and energy will lose their voice.”
Hillary deserved to lose, the Electoral College deserves to stay
The Clinton campaign’s inability to excite voters outside the biggest cities is not a reason to change the Constitution, or to otherwise manipulate election rules.