
Hillsdale President Larry Arnn on the Electoral College

Larry Arnn in The Wall Street Journal: "We can think about this better if we understand two things: What does the Electoral College do, and why does it do it?"

November 14, 2016

Podcast: Trent England debates NPV's John Koza on the Lawyer 2 Lawyer podcast

Trent England, director of Save Our States, and Dr. John Koza, originator of the National Popular Vote legislation, discuss history of the Electoral College and debate the national popular vote proposal.

October 29, 2016

The Electoral College and Campaign 2016

Who wins in one or two elections is a shortsighted way to think about political institutions. Instead, we should think about the incentives an institution creates and whether it tends toward stability rather than chaos.

Trent England
September 30, 2016

Video: Popular Vote vs. the Electoral College

National Popular Vote would turn presidential elections into a majority-rule affair. Would this be good or bad? Electoral College expert Tara Ross explains.

May 21, 2015

Video: Do you understand the Electoral College?

Do you understand what the Electoral College is and how it works? Author and Electoral College expert Tara Ross does, and she explains that to understand the Electoral College is to understand American democracy.

May 19, 2015