About OCPA


Individual rights means free markets. The rights to own your own property and the fruits of your labor are facets of the idea that all individuals have basic rights and freedoms. OCPA champions the ideas of free enterprise and a free market economy because we believe in individual rights. And, as it turns out, the economic system that respects individual rights is also the one that works best to generate innovation, wealth, and increasing standards of living for all.

The challenge is that when free people act and flourish, no politician can claim credit. Politicians only get credit when they interfere, creating a powerful incentive for government to manipulate economic activities. Government is important for preventing violence and fraud, enforcing contracts and private rights of action, and setting basic rules and regulations that apply to everyone equally--but it is always a slippery slope. There is always a politician or special interest that wants more power for government and, as a result, less freedom for everybody else.

OCPA works to protect Oklahomans from overreaching politicians. We know that a flourishing state is the result of a free people, and that government can help people to flourish by doing a few important things well and otherwise staying out of the way. Economic growth is a result of individual freedom protected, but even prosperity is only a means to an end. The real reason to defend free markets is to uphold Oklahomans’ rights to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

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