Budget & Tax
TSET promotes alcohol consumption, other risky behaviors
Why does a state agency award grants for “alcohol use prevention” while promoting bars? And why would any state agency spend money to promote “drag shows” and other raunchy programs at nightclubs?Trent England | November 1, 2017
Budget & Tax, Health Care
Oklahoma’s highly profitable nonprofit hospitals
Many “nonprofit” hospitals are highly profitable entities with vast amounts of net revenue, large cash balances, profligate capital spending, and generous executive compensation. Yet they constantly plead poverty and demand ever more government spending.Byron Schlomach, Ph.D. & Baylee Butler | November 1, 2017
Budget & Tax, Education
Profit warning!
For many folks in the public school establishment, it seems that “profit” is a scary word.Curtis Shelton | October 30, 2017
Budget & Tax
Use TSET to protect vital services
It’s time to use TSET funds to prioritize rural hospitals, nursing homes, and other vital services without increasing the burden of taxation on Oklahoma families.Jonathan Small | October 25, 2017
Budget & Tax
Contra Oklahomans’ preference, state government continues to grow
Oklahoma government has been growing, not shrinking. People might question the priorities in the budget or in how specific agencies spend money, but the total burden on Oklahomans is higher than ever.Curtis Shelton | October 18, 2017
Budget & Tax
Illinois—not Kansas—is a cautionary tale for Oklahoma policymakers
Illinois hadn’t passed a budget in just over two years, right up until July 6th. On that day, the legislature overrode the governor’s veto on a budget that apparently passes for a solution in Illinois—a “solution” featuring billions of dollars in annual tax increases.William Freeland | October 18, 2017
Budget & Tax
Illinois—not Kansas—is a cautionary tale for Oklahoma policymakers
William Freeland | October 17, 2017
Budget & Tax
Another Red River rivalry
Each year in October, Oklahoma’s eyes turn south of the Red River to the Cotton Bowl in Dallas for the annual football rivalry game between OU and Texas. Texas has won 61 of those games, OU has won 45, and five were ties. Unfortunately, thanks to the tax, regulatory, and policy advantages Texas holds, we’re nowhere near that record when it comes to economic, versus athletic, competition with our southern neighbors.Jonathan Small | October 13, 2017
Budget & Tax
TSET spending priorities questioned
An Oklahoma trust established to administer funds from the 1998 tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) is ripe for reform, according to lawmakers and other critics of the trust. They say that some of the money could be better spent to help alleviate the state’s budget challenges.Jay Chilton | October 10, 2017
Budget & Tax
Cost Avoidance #11: Time to reform TSET
Time to reform TSET: Stop Spending on Night Clubs, Billboards, and Overpaid ExecutivesTrent England | October 5, 2017