Education, Law & Principles
Court finds Edmond schools broke state law
The Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled that Edmond Public Schools’ COVID vaccination policy violated state law.Ray Carter | March 30, 2023
Budget & Tax
Oklahoma tax reform would enhance stability, competitiveness
Adopting full scale tax reform like the one OCPA proposed last year would make Oklahoma much more competitive by eliminating the income tax while simultaneously creating a more stable sales tax by broadening the base to include more taxable services. This sort of tax reform would benefit all Oklahomans through increased economic activity in the long term without the risk of a severe government shortfall in the short term.Curtis Shelton | March 29, 2023
Lawmakers: Make small business priority in economic policy
According to several senators serving on a special legislative committee, Oklahoma’s business-recruitment and economic-development strategies in recent years may have been flawed by focusing too much on giant projects rather than smaller companies and in-state growth.Ray Carter | March 28, 2023
OCPA opposes changes to HB 1935
OCPA President Jonathan Small issued the following statement today on Senate changes to House Bill 1935, which had previously offered a truly universal school choice program to parents, students and families everywhere in Oklahoma.Staff | March 27, 2023
Budget & Tax
Fast facts on Oklahoma state and local taxes
By way of comparison, the proposed school-choice tax credit in HB 1935 would provide $10,000 in tax relief for a family of four choosing private education, leaving the typical family still paying $7,324.Curtis Shelton | March 27, 2023
Law & Principles, Culture & the Family
Abortion ruling renews focus on state judicial appointments
A recent ruling by the Oklahoma Supreme Court, which controversially declared that the Oklahoma Constitution provides a right to abortion under certain circumstances despite the constitution containing no language regarding abortion, is prompting renewed focus on how Oklahoma justices and judges are selected and appointed.Ray Carter | March 27, 2023
Law & Principles, Culture & the Family
Oklahoma Supreme Court abortion ruling points to the need for judicial reform
The Court seems to be leaving room for a complete and unfettered right to an abortion in the future. Because while the Court refused to find one of the abortion laws unconstitutional. Both chambers, which consider themselves very pro-life, may want to reconsider whether the process we currently use to select jurists is worth preserving—even if changing the status quo upsets their friends at the Oklahoma Bar Association.Ryan Haynie | March 24, 2023
Education, Culture & the Family
State Board of Education approves parent rights regulations
Citing their obligation to enforce existing state laws, members of the State Board of Ed adopted regulations bolstering parents’ rights to review their child’s classroom materials and school-library content, and banning school officials from withholding information about a child from parents.Ray Carter | March 24, 2023
Law & Principles, Culture & the Family
House votes to ban men from women’s prisons, shelters
Men could not be placed in women’s prisons or allowed in women’s domestic-violence shelters, or similar facilities, even if the male identifies as a transgender female, under legislation approved by the Oklahoma House of Representatives.Ray Carter | March 23, 2023
Education, Law & Principles
OCPA praises AG Drummond for shutting down school discrimination
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs President Jonathan Small today praised Attorney General Gentner Drummond for his efforts to prevent illegal discrimination against private-school students in athletic competitions.Staff | March 23, 2023