Higher Education
Professor says OU groupthink undermines excellence
The ideological groupthink and pressure tactics that prevail at many state-funded universities ultimately undermine the purpose of education and highlight the need for reform, according to a professor who has examined the problem.Ray Carter | October 26, 2022
Economy, Culture & the Family
Radical environmental policies impact Oklahomans
It may be time to update Oklahoma’s utility regulations so both reliability and price stability are considered. If utilities are expected to keep prices stable, their leaders may be less likely to “go along to get along” with the advocates of environmental policies that are creating so much economic harm for working families.Jonathan Small | October 25, 2022
NAEP tests show academic results plunged under Hofmeister
Though state funding for Oklahoma schools has been at record-high levels since 2018, our state’s academic outcomes now rank among the worst in the country.Ray Carter | October 24, 2022
Education, Health Care
Stitt: Oklahoma students not required to get COVID vax
Although the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has endorsed adding the COVID-19 vaccine to childhood immunization schedules, Gov. Kevin Stitt said the vaccine will not be required for public-school attendance in Oklahoma.Ray Carter | October 21, 2022
Law & Principles
Oklahoma licensure boards likely violate federal law
Because Oklahoma’s state licensure boards are dominated by industry players who compete with those they regulate, and because no politically accountable entity is authorized to overrule a licensure board’s decision, much of the state licensure system likely violates federal antitrust law and leaves Oklahoma subject to successful lawsuits, according to a state watchdog entity.Ray Carter | October 21, 2022
Budget & Tax, Education
State figures underreport school spending by billions
There are 171 public school districts in Oklahoma that spend more than $14,000 per student.Ray Carter | October 20, 2022
Budget & Tax
Hofmeister criticized for withholding COVID spending records
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister withheld information on billions of dollars in spending from a lawmaker for nearly two months, and only provided the requested information after state Rep. Chad Caldwell notified the media.Ray Carter | October 19, 2022
Parents’ rights are fundamental
Providing accountability and fighting against bureaucratic meddling will no doubt be required, but school choice is the trump card that conservatives can play to restore American education and ensure the protection of our constitutional rights long into the future.Jonathan Small | October 18, 2022
OSSAA requires photographers to get bias training?
In response to an incident in 2021, the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association (OSSAA) now requires all media, including photographers, to undergo implicit-bias training before they can receive credentials to high-school playoff sporting events controlled by the OSSAA.Ray Carter | October 17, 2022
Higher Education
CRT in OU teacher training
Oklahoma needs a range of new measures to ensure transparency in the training and licensure of its teachers and administrators, to find out just how much CRT is already in the state.David Randall, Ph.D. | October 17, 2022